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豆莢內蛀食性害蟲"Etiella" spp.在台灣之調查與鑑定

Survey and Identification of Bean Pod Borers, "Etiella" spp., in Taiwan


為釐清危害毛豆莢之"Etiella"屬害蟲之種類,本研究利用"Etiella"屬性費洛蒙誘集及採集受害豆莢兩種方式調查害蟲的發生情況,並利用雄性生殖骨片形態特徵或比對DNA序列鑑別害蟲的種類。2011年6~8月於亞蔬中心的紫花鵲豆("Lablab purpureus" (L.))田採集受危害的豆莢,收集並飼育其內幼蟲為成蟲後,以交尾器形態特徵鑑定屬"Etiella" sp.之雄成蟲,確認均為豆莢斑螟("Etiella behrii");另亦發現豆莢螟("Maruca vitrata")、粗腳姬捲葉蛾("Cryptophlebia ombrodelta")、波紋小灰蝶("Lampides boeticus Linnaeus")、斜紋夜蛾("Spodoptera litura")等幼蟲;此調查初期以豆莢斑螟數量較多,後期則以粗腳姬捲葉蛾居多。2011~2012年於台灣幾個地區的不同作物田進行"Etiella" spp.性費洛蒙誘蟲試驗結果顯示,以豆莢斑螟Eb-A誘餌誘得的蟲體均為豆莢斑螟,共1,503隻;以白緣螟蛾("Etiella zinckenella")費洛蒙Ez-A、Ez-E、Ez-st誘餌誘得的蟲體則均為白緣螟蛾,共17隻。除此之外,2010年10月由屏東冷凍毛豆莢收集到21隻幼蟲,經DNA序列比對分析亦確定均為豆莢斑螟。上述調查結果顯見豆莢斑螟為豆科作物田中的主要"Etiella"屬害蟲。


In order to elucidate the species of "Etiella" pod borers that infest vegetable soybean, the present study applied two methods: sex pheromone trapping and/or infested pods collection. The characteristic of the genitalia of the male "Etiella" and COI gene sequences were used to identify this pest species. Larvae collected from infested pods of lablab in the World Vegetable Center (AVRDC) were collected during June, July and August 2011, and were identified using male genitalia characteristics. Most were confirmed to be Etiella behrii. A few minor pest species were noted as well, including "Maruca vitrata", "Cryptophlebia ombrodelta", "Lampides boeticus" and "Spodoptera litura", with "C. ombrodelta" being represented in relatively higher numbers in the latter part of survey. The total number of "E. behrii" was far greater than all the other species combined. In addition, pheromone trapping experiments conducted from 2011 to 2012 in various crop fields and areas showed that 1503 male "E. behrii" were trapped with the lure Eb-A and 17 male "E. zinckenella" were trapped with f Ez-A, Ez-E, and Ez-st lures. In addition, 21 larvae collected from frozen vegetable soybean pods from Ping-Tung in Oct. 2010 were identified as "E. behrii" by the comparison of partial COI gene sequences. These survey results indicate that "E. behrii" is a major "Etiella" pest of the field.
