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An Investigation of the Field Occurrence of Philus antennatus (Coleoptera: Vesperidae), a New Pest of Citrus in Pomelo Orchards in Taiwan



柑橘窄胸天牛(Philus antennatus (Gyllenhal))是柑橘類果樹的新害蟲,特別是在麻豆地區的柚類果樹造成嚴重的為害。成蟲夜行性,幼蟲土棲,取食柚樹的根,造成植株的生長勢衰弱甚至死亡。本研究主要是進行幼蟲及成蟲之田間調查,以利研擬後續進行防治的策略。在臺南麻豆地區一處約0.2公頃的文旦園進行取樣調查,共調查16個樣方,每個樣方為100 × 60 cm^2,挖掘調查土中幼蟲及蛹之數量。調查結果幼蟲平均密度每樣方12.6隻幼蟲。雌成蟲(0.760 ± 0.124 g)體型顯著地大於雄成蟲,體重為雄成蟲(0.259 ± 0.061 g)的2.9倍。2004~2006連續3年在麻豆區磚井里、南勢里及北勢里3處文旦園,進行成蟲羽化時期及數量調查,成蟲羽化的高峰期集中在每年5月下旬。此3年的結果,以2004年在磚井里(0.23 ha)之文旦園捕捉到7977隻為最高,2005年於北勢里(0.46 ha)捕捉到1713隻為最低,掌握其羽化高峰期將有助於對此蟲進行防治管理。本研究顯示柑橘窄胸天牛在文旦園的發生密度極高,可造成嚴重危害,研發有效的防治方法有其必要性。


柑橘窄胸天牛 天牛 柑橘 幼蟲 成蟲 族群密度


Philus antennatus (Gyllenhaal) a long-horned beetle, has become a new pest on citrus, especially pomelo, in Madou District in Southern Taiwan. The adults are nocturnal, and the larvae feed on the roots of the pomelo tree, weakening and eventually killing the tree. This field study was carried out to investigate the seasonality of the larvae and adults of P. antennatus in order to develop a sustainable control for this pest. In a pomelo orchard in Madou 16 quadrats were laid out, each quadrat measuring 100 × 60 cm. Then the number of larvae and pupae from each quadrat were recorded. There were 12.6 larvae/quadrat in the Madou pomelo orchard. The adult female (0.760 ± 0.124 g) was significantly larger and 2.9 times heavier than the male (0.259 ± 0.061 g). We studied the adult emergence pattern in three orchards in Zhuanjing, Nanshih, and Beishih townships, all within Madou District, from 2004-2006. Each year the adult emergence peak was recorded to be in late May. The highest adult density was 7977 individuals in the Zhuanjing orchard (0.23 ha.) in 2004, and the lowest was 1713, in the Beishih orchard (0.46 ha.) in 2005. Understanding the fluctuations of the number of these beetles and the ecology of their larvae provides additional information to control them.
