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Phenology and Community Analyses of Trap-Nesting Wasps and Bees in the Agricultural Fields and Forests of Yunlin and Chiayi Counties, Taiwan


本研究於2012年3月至2013年5月間,在台南區農業改良場雲林分場的水旱田、農業試驗所嘉義分所的荔枝果園之永續農耕區、慣行農耕區,以及林業試驗所中埔研究中心澐水試驗林的育林地設置4個樣區,各樣區放置2種築巢誘引巢體,以誘集居住於孔洞內築巢的狩獵蜂與訪花蜂。期間誘集到胡蜂科.蜾蠃亞科的黃緣前喙蜾蠃(Anterhynchium flavomarginatum formosicola)、矛紋佳盾蜾蠃(Euodynerus nipanicus flavicornis)、黃紋短腰蜾蠃(Epsilon fujianensis)、赭褐毛唇蜾蠃(Orancistrocerus drewseni)、赭褐旁喙蜾蠃(Pararrhynchium ornatum sauteri)及赭黃原喙蜾蠃(Rhynchium brunneum),切葉蜂科之窄條切葉蜂(Megachile angustistrigata)、條切葉蜂(M. faceta)、丘切葉蜂(M. monticola)、臺灣切葉蜂(M. taiwanicola)及薔薇切葉蜂(M. tranquilla),穴蜂科之黃柄壁泥蜂(Sceliphron madraspatanum)及蛛蜂科Anoplius屬及Auplopu屬兩種,共計4科10屬14種912隻借坑性築巢蜂類。各樣區所誘集的蜂種類及數量高峰集中於春季至夏季,晚秋至冬季活動數量減少,且巢內出現越冬個體。560隻的蜾蠃類誘集數中,赭黃原喙蜾蠃與黃緣前喙蜾蠃出現的比例高達84.5%,捕捉獵物為螟蛾總科幼蟲。於荔枝果園內的永續農耕樣區在各月份誘集的蜂類多樣性指數,多數高於慣行農耕樣區。四個樣區間所誘集之蜂類群聚間的程度類似,以水旱田農業樣區或荔枝果園內的慣行農耕樣區較其它樣區蜂類群聚有較低的相似性指數,水旱田農業樣區有以蜾蠃為主的群聚組成,而荔枝果園內的永續農耕樣區與育林地樣區之誘集蜂類群聚有較高的相似性指數,顯示永續農耕的棲地環境,較能維持類似林地般的棲地環境,與物種組成的多樣化,對農耕地有益生物的保育具有重要的意義。


To collect trap-nesting wasps and bees, two types of trap-nesting devices, namely bamboo clusters and Binderboard®, were applied at four experimental sites: 1, the paddy-upland fields at the Yunlin Branch Station (YLBS) of Taiwan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station; 2 and 3, the sustainable and conventional agricultural ecosystem areas of orchards in the Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES-SA and CAES-CA, respectively) of the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (TARI); and 4, the silvicultural field at the Yunshei Forest Experiment Station (YSBS) of the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute (TFRI). The purpose of this experiment was to explore the biodiversity and ecological functions of trap-nesting wasps and bees in Yunlin and Chiayi counties, Taiwan. From March 2012 to May 2013, a total of 912 individuals from 10 genera of 4 families were collected; the identified species were Anterhynchium flavomarginatum formosicola, Euodynerus nipanicus flavicornis, Epsilon fujianensis, Orancistrocerus drewseni, Pararrhynchium ornatum sauteri, Rhynchium brunneum (Eumeninae, Vespidae), Megachile angustistrigata, M. faceta, M. monticola, M. taiwanicola, M. tranquilla (Megachilidae), and Sceliphron madraspatanum (Sphecidae); the two unidentified species were Anoplius sp. and Auplopus sp. (Pompilidae). The peak activities of these wasps and bees were detected in the spring and summer seasons, whereas overwintering individuals were detected in late autumn. Among eumenine wasps, 84.5% of the individuals were A. flavomarginatum formosicola and R. brunneum. They were found to be the predators of Pyralidoidea larvae. Monthly diversity indices were higher in CAES-SA than in CAES-CA. Compared with the communities of YLBS and CAES-CA, the similarity between the communities of CAES-SA and YSBS was the greatest. The results show that the habitat of the sustainable agricultural area may play a role in preserving and maintaining the diversity of trap-nesting wasps and bees and is thus important for conserving beneficial insects in agricultural areas.
