  • 期刊


A Study for the Characteristics of Internet Users


網際網路的興起,為社會帶來許多不同層面的影響及改變,無論是在教育、經濟、或人際交往方面,網際網路的運用及其潛在的問題已逐漸為人們所重視。而研究者在看到一連串關於網路交友的新聞事件後,引起研究的動機,欲瞭解這個新興傳播媒介具有的特殊溝通情境,會吸引具有何種特質的人上網與他人互動?因此本研究蒐集相關文獻資料及理論觀點分析較常使用網路與他人進行互動者的特質。本研究是採用網路問卷調查方法蒐集相關資料,由使用網路進行互動者自行上網填答問卷並寄回。共計回收之樣本數為410份,資料處理為採用描述統計、皮爾森積差相關及線性複迴歸等統計分析方法。主要的研究發現為:1. 使用網路進行互動的狀況:教育程度較高者,使用網路進行互動的頻率較高。這表示,目前的網路使用者仍以高學歷者為主。2. 較常使用網際網路進行互動者之個人特質:越認為在網路上的互動是不真誠、無法交到真心朋友者,使用網路與他人進行互動的頻率越高。3. 真實生活中的人際互動情況:在真實生活中人際關係較差者,其透過網路與他人進行互動的頻率較高。本研究在社會學領域屬於一嶄新的主題,雖在研究問題及內容上缺乏了國內直接相關研究的參考,在理論部分亦缺少直接可加以運用、檢驗的理論,故此研究結果未能提供一有系統的理論架構,但卻提供了一初步的關於探討使用網際網路進行互動者之特質觀點分析。


As the popularity of the Internet grows, the society changes in many dimensions such as education, economics, or interpersonal discourse. It goes without saying that the use of Internet and many potential problems of Internet are gaining more and more attention now. This study tries to understand the special communicative situation, which this new and developing media has, will attract what kind of people to go online to interact with others. As a result, this study reviewed relative literatures and theoretical viewpoints to analyze the personality traits of people who often use Internet to interact with others. This study used questionnaires to collect data by Internet. People who interact with others by Internet go online to fill in the questionnaires, and then mail them back. There were 410 samples in total, and we use descriptive statistics, correlation and multi-regression method to analyze the data. The primary findings of this study include: 1) people with higher educational levels are more likely to use the Internet to interact with others. That is, most of current network users are people with higher educational levels; 2) the more he/she thinks that the interaction on internet is not sincere and that it’s impossible to make sincere friends in internet, the more often he/she uses internet to interact with others; 3) the worse his/her interpersonal relationship in real life is, the more often he/she interacts with others by internet. This study is a brand new topic in the field of sociology. We have few direct internal references about this topic and there's no theory to be used directly to apply on this topic, so the result of this study is not ready to build a systematic theory structure. Therefore, this study initially uses the viewpoint of persona lity traits to analyze people who are more likely to interact with others by Internet.


李令儀譯、艾絲特‧戴森(1998)。版本 2.0:白宮與微軟都在聆聽的數位生活。台北:大塊文化。
周冠中(1998)〈我國 Internet 應用現況調查〉,線上資料。 (http://www.nhmc.edu.tw/html/netwhere.html)。


趙士禮(2012)。趙士禮多媒體作品發表會 含輔助文件 《瀏覽無界-你, 窺視》:原創作品與註釋〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2012.00183
