  • 期刊


Exploring the Antecedents and Effects of Taiwanese Users' Adoption of AI Technologies




This study integrates diffusion of innovations, regulatory focus theory, the media equation, and the tenets of anthropomorphism as research framework to understand Taiwanese users' adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. In addition, the relationships between user adoption of lower (smart wearables and AI financial software) and higher (digital assistants and chatbots) anthropomorphic AI technologies and their level of AI trust are investigated. Drawing upon the 2022 Taiwan Internet Survey database (N = 1,725), the results indicated that the "pioneer"-compared to the "hesitator," "bandwagoner," and "fence-sitter"-reported the highest level of perceived AI relative advantage, which in turn promoted their adoption of both the lower and higher anthropomorphic AI technologies. Yet, only adopting higher anthropomorphic AI services and products demonstrated a significantly positive effect on AI trust. The findings help elucidate the resemblance between interpersonal communication and human-machine interaction, drawing implications to marketers and policy makers in promoting the use of AI technologies.


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