  • 期刊


To License or to Transfer: Copyright of Scholarly Papers




Copyright includes moral rights and economic rights. While moral rights are the author exclusively and shall not be transferred or succeeded, economic rights allow the author to license or transfer his right to another party. According to the related regulations in Civil Code and Copyright Act, when copyright holders' submission to scholarly journals has been published, it is presumed that the contract for publication is constituted. Unless otherwise stipulated, it shall be presumed that the economic rights holder has licensed one printing, or one public broadcast only and that said printing or broadcast shall have no effect on other rights belonging to the economic rights holder. However, some scholarly journal in the field of education in Taiwan has stipulated that authors have to ”transfer their copyright” for publication. This leads copyright holders to lose economic rights of their work simply for an academic presentation. Such a contract is not only unfair but also inconsistent with the conceptions of promoting academic creation, protecting the copyright of the author, and enhancing cultural development. Moreover, once transferred, the scholar journal possesses the copyright and it may also commercialize the academic work by building a digital database. This makes it even more difficult for ordinary people to get access to the work. It is also negative for promoting the circulation of scholarly work. As a result, this paper is based on the related law in Taiwan and the copyright documents of journals in education on the TSSCI list. It aims at clarifying the need, appropriateness and potential issues for authors to transfer their copyright. Hopefully, it will provide suggestions for related publication institutions and authors to consider in making policies or choices.


