  • 期刊


The Effect of Various Guided Learning Strategies on College Students' Electronic Reflection Learning Performances: A Case Study




This study aimed to explore the effect of various guided learning strategies on college students’ electronic reflection as learning outcomes. Under various guided learning strategies, according to Bloom's taxonomy of knowledge, three different guided reflective questions: superficial, in-between (medium), and deep questions, were designed and randomly assigned in three-week electronic reflection of the study. Forty students who registered "Media Literacy Education" course participated in the study. The qualitative analysis method was mainly used to observe students' reflection contents; in addition, the quantitative analysis method was used to determine the difference of various guided learning strategies. The results of the qualitative analysis showed that the superficial guided reflection question yielded swallow reflection works, and the medium and deep guided reflection questions allowed students to produce meaningful reflection contents. The results of the quantitative analysis showed that the medium and deep guided reflection questions were better than the superficial guided reflection question in terms of critical thinking. However, no significant difference was found between the medium and deep guided reflection questions.


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