  • 期刊


Teaching and Service Quality of Extension Education Swimming Program in Taipei Physical Education College


本研究之主要目的在於:(一)瞭解台北市立體育學院推廣教育非學分班之游泳班學員對本校游泳教學、服務品質及忠誠度的認同情形;(二)比較不同人口變項在認同情形之差異;(三)瞭解學員的訊息來源、選擇本校的主要原因及自評進步情形;(四)探討忠誠度與教學評定及服務品質之相關情形。 本研究以自編之「台北市立體育學院推廣教育游泳班消費行為調查問卷」為研究工具,研究的對象為台北市立體育學院推廣教育非學分班游泳班學員,問卷共發放250份,回收236份,有效問卷221份。資料處理採敘述統計、獨立樣本t檢定及皮爾遜積差相關。 本研究主要結論為: 一、本校所提供之教學獲得學員高度的肯定。 二、在服務品質方面獲學員中上之評價,但在設備與清潔方面仍須改善。 三、學員對本校之泳訓班有很高的忠誠度。 四、女性與社會人士對服務品質之要求高於男性與學生。 五、學員的訊息來源主要來自於親戚朋友,依序為學校外圍廣告及宣傳單。 六、學員選擇本校的主因為離家近,其次是交通便利。 七、學員在學習過後大都自覺進步。 八、忠誠度與教學評定及服務品質達顯著相關。


教學評定 服務品質 忠誠度


The purpose of this study was to: (a) identify teaching and service quality and customer royalty of extension education swimming program in Taipei Physical Education College; (b) compare the differences among selected demographic characteristics on teaching and service quality and customer royalty; (c) investigate the information sources, cogitating factors of participation and progression of customers; and (d) analyze the relationship between customer royalty and teaching and service quality. ”Taipei Physical Education College Extension Education Swimming Customer Behavior Questionnaire” was utilized for data collection in this study. The sample was 250 customers randomly selected from population of Extension Education Swimming Program in Taipei Physical Education College. From the 236 surveys returned, 221 was coded. Data was computed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, and Pearson Produce-Moment Correlation. The main conclusions were following: (a) Teaching quality was highly satisfied by customers of swimming program; (b) Whole service quality was received moderate high evaluation by customers. But the facilities and cleaning and sanitation could be improved; (c) Customers had high royalty toward extension education swimming program in Taipei Physical Education College; (d) Females and non-student gave lower evaluation for service quality than males and students; (e) The main information sources by customers were friend/relative told, poster around campus and advertising mail; (f) The important cogitating factors of participation were near by school and traffic convenience; (g) Most of customers felt progression after class; and (h) Customer royalty and teaching and service quality was correlated significantly.


楊惠文(2009)。俱樂部服務品質、顧客滿意度與忠誠度之相關研究--以金鵝度假村De Mon Spa會館為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315170788
