  • 期刊

運用資訊軟體記錄慢速壘球比賽攻守表現之分析-以Microsoft Excel軟體為例

Make Use of Information Software to Record Slow Pitch Softball Game Offend Analysis of Guarding the Performance-Take the Software of Microsoft Excel as an Example



隨著現代化科技資訊時代的演進,從過去電腦化單機發展到今日的網際網路世界、從文字模式到視窗介面,應用軟體的開發確實帶給許多人在生活及工作上相當大的便利。相較於有關體育科學資訊的發展方面,現今大型運動賽事都會編列一筆經費,委外開發建置所需的資訊系統。不過對於慢速壘球比賽而言,通常因為經費較為拮据,有關球員出場比賽的表現亦只能登載於文字書面,若想要追查了解球員在整年度的表現好壞,似乎只有查察翻閱每一場比賽的記錄本,不僅耗時耗力,事實上亦無法將每個球員的各場表現統整分析。有鑑於此,筆者以多年在訓練帶領球隊的實務經驗,配Microsoft Excel軟體實例說明慢速壘球比賽記錄實務應用,經由資料之彙整,讓大專院校教練更容易掌握球員比賽表現的好壞狀況,球員也能經由比賽的記錄修正並調整自我的狀況,邁向成功勝利之路。


慢速壘球 紀錄 Microsoft Excel


Along with modernize the evolution in science and technology information times, from computerized single machine to develop today's internet world in the past and went to Windows interface from the writing mode, the development of applied software really brought many people in the life and worked up the rather big convenience. Compare with the development concerning athletics science information, large exercise at present the games will arrange in order a budget and the outsourcing develops establishment the information system needed。 However for slowly and soon softball game and speech, usually because of budget compare is Jie Ju, relevant the player appear the performance of game also can only be carried to a writing a writing form, if want to investigate understanding a player at whole year of performance good and bad, seem to be to only check Cha to browse each time a game of record originally, consume power while not only consuming, can't also is integrative each player'seachper formance to analysis in fact. In light of this, the writer leads actual situation experience of ball team in the training by several years and match with Microsoft Excel software solid example's explanation slowly and soon the softball compete record actual situation applied, through data it compile, let the university and college coach more easily control a player game performance of good and bad condition, player also ability through game of the record revise and adjust the condition of self and head into the road of successful victory.


