  • 期刊


A study on disaster prevention and mitigation literacy (DPML) of primary and secondary school teachers in Macao


背景:自從澳門回歸、賭權開放以來,經濟急速發展,每年約三千多萬的遊客進入澳門,人口密度全球第一位,存在各種災害隱患。澳門政府應向亞洲鄰近國家學習,在中小學校開設防災的公共教育。目的:本研究調查澳門中小學教師防災素養情況。為日後中小學教師防災培訓提供相關資料。研究方法:研究對象為於澳門教青局註冊的中小學校任教的教師,以配額抽樣的方法調查現職的中小學教師共265人。研究結果:本次調查中小學教師有效問卷分別為164份和101份。防災知識及技能維度的得分分佈很離散,教師水準中等,教師個體存在差異很大。防災態度的維度得分分佈比較集中,教師水準整體偏高得分情況較好。防災知識得分,中學教師顯著高於小學教師,在防災態度上小學教師的防災態度優於中學教師; 女性優於男性。工作年限越長防災素養越高。結論及建議:研究結果表明澳門中小學教師防災知識,技能水平都偏低,防災態度偏高,防災教育是必要的。建議澳門政府盡快籌備教師災害教育相關系統培訓。在小學教師中普及防災知識,努力改善中學教師的防災態度,並且著力於男性、年齡相對輕的、服務年資相對少的教師。


Background: Each year, Macao receives over 30 million visitors after Macao's handover back to China. Macao's population density is top ranking in the world, which comes with high risk of different kind of disasters and dangers. The Macao government should learn from other Asian countries and regions, to provide public education in primary and secondary schools. Aim: This study aimed to explore the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Literacy (DPML) among primary and secondary school teachers in Macao. Findings will provide evidence for the Macao government on designing disaster prevention training for primary and secondary school teachers. Method: Primary and secondary school teachers who had registered with the Macao Education and Youth Affairs Bureau were recruited using stratified sampling. Subjects voluntarily completed the modified "Primary and Secondary School Teachers DPML in Disaster Prevention Questionnaire". Results: A total of 265 valid questionnaires were received. In which 164 were from secondary school teachers (60%) and 101 for primary school teachers (40%). The scores of disaster prevention technique and knowledge were dispersed. The scores of disaster prevention attitude were clustered. The overall disaster prevention attitude level for teacher was high and satisfied. Secondary school teachers had higher scores in disaster prevention knowledge, while primary school teachers had higher scores in disaster prevention attitude. Female had better scores than male in disaster prevention attitude. Teachers with more working experience also had better disaster prevention and mitigation literacy. Conclusion and recommendations: The findings indicate that disaster prevention education among Macao primary and secondary school teachers are needed in Macao. The Macao government should establish a disaster training programs to all school teachers. In these programs, disaster prevention knowledge for primary school teachers and the disaster prevention attitude for secondary school teachers should be emphasized, and male, young age, with less working experience teachers should be targeted.


