  • 期刊


Effectiveness of a pre-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation training for Macao secondary school students - a pilot study




Aims: To investigate the influence of pre-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation training on secondary school students' resuscitation knowledge and skills. Methods: All years of full-time secondary students in Macao were recruited through an online platform. The pre-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation training program was two hours a week for 6 weeks. A knowledge assessment sheet and a skill assessment scale were employed to compare the changes of resuscitation knowledge and skill before and after the training. Result: Nine Macao secondary school students participated in this training. The median score of the participants' knowledge was 35.5 before training, and increased obviously after training. The skill was evaluated in the middle and the end of the training. The median score of the skill was elevated from 85.0 to 92.5. Conclusion: The 6-week training was effective to improve the participants' knowledge and skills on pre-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
