  • 期刊


The Study of Knowledge, Behavior, and Self-perceived Status of Voice Health among Primary School Teachers-A Comparison between Noisy and Quiet School




噪音健康 教師 知識 行為


The main purpose of the Study was to explore the knowledge, behavior of voice health, and the self-perceived voice health among primary school teachers in Taipei. In addition, the study also compared those variables between teachers in noisy and quiet school. The sample was selected from 14 schools, with the total number of valid question-naires being 215. Results indicated that the rate of the rate of correct answers for the knowledge test of voice health among teachers was 64.4%. At the aspect of behavior, the most common detrimental behaviors to voice health were ”loud speaking”, followed by ”inadequate sleep”. The most common symptoms of voice problems among the teachers included ”dryness in the throat”, ”vocal strain”, ”voice fatigue”, and ”hoarseness”. The 10% of teachers usually or always have the ”loss of voice” experience. As a whole, the teachers in noisy schools reported more voice symptoms than the teachers in quiet schools, but there was no significant different on voice health knowledge, behavior between two groups.


voice health teacher knowledge behavior


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Wang, C. T. (2014). 病灶內類固醇注射用於治療良性聲帶病變: 比較性效果與成果研究 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.02244
