  • 期刊


Political Paradox and Its Management: An Analysis Focused on the Third Party in Taiwan


總統選舉出現林義雄與李遠哲配,抑或宋楚瑜與施明德配的民間呼聲,這顯現出台灣人民對兩大政黨的政治表現及政策績效並不滿意,希望在兩大勢力之間能夠組構制衡的第三勢力,以遏止社會往兩極化的破壞性發展。 這項民間社會的政治想像,雖有其發展的時空環境、政經社文系絡,用以牽引兩大黨的政策向中間靠攏,避免極端的環境感知不靈性。不過,這項發展的必要性,卻被諸多的脆弱所限制,而竟演變成嚴重的政治弔詭現象。而在新興政黨欠缺生存空間的歷史時刻,爲緩和弔詭的不當衝擊,必須對之進行針對性的管理,強調選民外控性的排除,增大政黨輪替的可能性,健全直接民主的運行,兩黨內部協力性的整合,建設民主化制度以化解不良的黨內競爭。本文乃全神貫注於發展之必要、發展之限制及弔詭之管理等三大議題進行剖析。


The issue of the Third Party has been discussed once the performance of the two main parties is questioned and challenged. There are so many constructive arguments to support wide niche of establishing the third party in Taiwan. There are also many institutional constraints and citizen voting behavior to block its advantageous development. This phenomenon is so-called political paradox and valuable to be analyzed. This paper attempts to address the reasons why Taiwan has appeared the circumstance of forming the third party and assumptions to buffer its establishment. Under this paradox, the paper also suggests meaningful ways to bring back the normal operation of the two main parties.


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周佑政(2016)。太陽花學運後台灣新興政黨的形成與發展 -時代力量黨與社會民主黨的個案研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201602760
