  • 期刊


A Study on the Intersection of Deposit Insurance Scheme and Development of Modern Finance


金融機構之重要性源自於其所扮演之金融中介角色,透過資金之流通與引導,使資金需求者獲得所需用之資金,促進社會經濟之繁榮。爲保全金融中介之健全運作,各國紛紛選擇設置金融安全網之制度,以爲因應。其中,身爲金融安全網成員之存款保險制度透過對於存款人之賠付保障,達成穩定金融市場秩序之目的。相對地,倘若此制度建置不善,則亦將滋生道德風險等危機。 惟應注意者,存款保險制度之設置目的,並非僅在於消極地賠付存款人之損失,其更具備處理問題金融機構之機能。然而,倘欲打造一有效可行之存款保險制度,除應確保其掌控風險之能力,更應賦予其獨立地位與充分權能。除此之外,存款保險制度亦應與時俱進,亦即應隨著金融環境之變遷,擴及金融集團與跨國金融機構等問題之思考,俾臻周全。本文探討之重點在於存款保險制度與現代金融發展之交錯關係,以及存款保險制度對於金融發展之重要影響。透過本文之分析與檢視,可以發現存款保險制度之不可取代性。同時,爲促使存款保險制度更形完備,本文亦就該制度之法制面與運作面進行探討,並提出建議。除總結本文所述之問題爭點與現行處理措施外,亦就我國現行制度提出未來之改革方面。


Due to the role that financial institutions acted is a financial intermediary by providing and assisting enterprises with the funding needed for their operations, financial safety net has been established in many countries. Deposit insurance scheme, one element of the financial safety net, refers to a limited guarantee that depositors will be repaid, at least in part, for any deposit lost as a result of a financial institution failure. Such guarantee is designed to encourage consumers to open accounts at financial institutions. However, if poorly designed, it may increase risks, notably, moral hazard. The purpose of the establishment of deposit insurance scheme is not only to make sure the stability of financial market, but also assist in disposing failing financial institutions. But designing the supervisory body is step one in crisis management; step two is making sure that this agency has sufficient power and independence to act effectively when crisis strikes. Besides, deposit insurance scheme should be adjust in company with the financial transform e.g. financial conglomerate, cross-border problem financial institutions etc. This article emphasizes the intersection of deposit insurance scheme and development of modern finance. Under the discussion we would find that the deposit insurance scheme is irreplaceable although there are many alternative suggestions. Meanwhile, further investigation and analysis were conducted in terms of legal and operational aspects by referencing to local practices. In the end, the conclusion summarized the aforementioned issues and current handling measures. The recommendations proposed directions of reform related to the aforementioned issues and measures with the hope of amending inappropriate regulations and scheme.


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Anthony Saunders,Millon Cornett,Huang, Da-Yeh (translated),Lin, Rong-Zhu(2003).Financial institution and market.The McGraw-Hill Companies.
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