  • 期刊


Treaty Conflict through the Lens of International Investment Arbitration-Typology, Interpretation, and Judicial Decision-Making




In recent years, one of the most prominent and urgent problems in investment treaty arbitration is how the different branches and norms of international law interact, especially between human rights and foreign investment protection. What is contested, and the so-called "legitimacy crisis" and democratic deficit, is how much confidence and reliance should be placed on these arbitrators, officials and entities, particularly when exercising international public authority. Many human rights advocates, environmentalists, and anti-globalization activists decry the "faceless bureaucrats" at the investment tribunals, whom they see as undermining host states' sovereignty, democracy, and regulatory autonomy to protect their citizens' human rights. In all these investment arbitration awards, the claim of treaty conflict between human rights and foreign investment protection was made by Argentina in order to justify the violations of investment treaty obligations. Unfortunately, tribunals tended to prevent having to decide serious treaty conflicts. In this article, part I begins introducing the prerequisite and definition of treaty conflict under classic international law, especially the narrow-meaning approach took by most of international courts and tribunals. In Part II, I take a step forward to elaborate the Article 31(3)(c) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which suggests that interpreters of a treaty should take into account "any relevant rules of international law applicable in the relations between the parties." In part III, the alternatives beyond treaty conflict, including jurisdiction, revocation of awards, and "precedent," will be examined. This article concludes that conflict of norms represents a zero-sum game between human rights and investment protection. This oversimplifies the choices presented by any host state's decision permitted under international law. It erroneously suggests that we must sacrifice one set of goals entirely to the other because the two sets are fundamentally incompatible. I maintain that we might find ways to reconceptualize and develop investment treatment standards that allow us to have some of each.


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