  • 期刊


Employers' Responsibility to Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A Review of the Case No. 16, 2015 of Taichung High Administrative Court




Over the course of the evolution of the prevention of sexual harassment, the harassments at workplace receive greater attention. From the employers' perspective, the accusation of sexual harassments in workplace will cause hostility and suspicion among employees, bringing out many unfavorable consequences, which will have an impact on the operation of the enterprise. Hence, there is a chapter in the Act of Gender Equality in Employment about the prevention and correction of sexual harassment, stipulating, "Employers shall prevent and correct sexual harassment from occurrence. For employers hiring over thirty employees, measures for preventing, correcting sexual harassment, related complaint procedures and disciplinary measures should be established. All these measures mentioned above shall be openly displayed in the workplace." (Article 13, Paragraph 1). It further states "When employers know of the occurrence of sexual harassment mentioned in the preceding article, immediate and effective correctional and remedial measures shall be implemented." in the following paragraph (Article 13, Paragraph 2). The meaning of Paragraph 2 often becomes the controversial point in the practice. Therefore, this article introduces relevant provisions of the employers' responsibility to prevent sexual harassment in the Act of Gender Equality in Employment, mainly center on the problems of administrative liability and review the current development of the practice. On the other hand, by introducing the development of the related laws and regulations in Japan, this article provides feasible directions for those legal professionals in the academic field and those in the practice in our country.


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