  • 期刊


Single-Parent Families and the Poverty: The Case of 1998 in Taiwan


本硏究採用1998年主計處家庭收支調查資料,分析一般家戶與單親戶之數量與比例,並比較不同家戶型態之「貧窮」現象。尤其是採用不同貧窮之測量(包括官方貧窮線、相對貧窮、等成人單位相對貧窮)來探討此議題,並將重點置於單親戶貧窮之分析。本硏究比較了四種主要單親戶(未婚、離婚、喪偶與分居)之貧窮率,並進一步採用多變項分析(邏輯迴歸),檢驗人力資本、勞動力市場與家庭結構對貧窮之解釋。 按官方貧窮線為標準,台灣地區有5.56%家戶落入貧窮,其中單親戶貧窮率為10.49%,是單人戶的三倍,是雙親戶的二倍餘。若以未加權與等成人加權之相對貧窮為準,單親戶之貧窮率分別為12.35%與8.85%。比較不同類型單親戶,不論用哪一種貧窮測量,都以喪偶之單親戶貧窮比例最高,離婚之單親戶其次;以性別區分,則以女喪偶單親戶與男離婚單親戶之經濟狀況最差。 針對一般家戶多變項分析結果,除了證實一般以人力資本、勞動力市場、家庭型態與組成對家戶貧窮的解釋外,更指出在教育、工作性質、家庭依賴人口等條件控制下,單親戶仍具有較高的機率落入貧窮的情形。最後,針對單親戶樣本的分析中,發現只有教育與依賴子女數對貧窮產生顯著的效應。這隱含一個現象,即單親戶雖較一般雙親戶易落入貧窮,但單親家長教育程度低與扶養子女多,才是經濟匱乏的主要因素。


There are several research purposes in this paper: 1) to estimate the most recent amount of single-parent households in Taiwan under a strict definition that only parents of divorced, separated, widowed or out-of-wedlock birth living with children are under considerations; 2) to investigate the poverty of single-parent families using three different measures derived from the official poverty line, the unweighted relative poverty and the relative poverty weighted by adult-equivalence scale, separately; 3) to compare poverty rates among different household patterns as well as among detail single-parent household types; 4) to estimate the effects on poverty using variables including gender, schooling and job status of household heads, as well as the number of dependent children and aged persons in the households; 5) to analyze the differential effects on poverty within single-parent families of both sexes. This paper concludes that the poverty rate of single-parent households is considerably higher than that of other household patterns, regardless of poverty measurements being used. There is no sign of economic worsen for female than male of lone-parent- household heads in Taiwan in 1998. Households headed by female widowers and by divorced males have experienced highest rates of poverty among all types of single-parent households. Finally, the results from multivariate analyses indicate that schooling and dependent family members are crucial factors in explaining to be poor for single-parent households.


