  • 期刊


A Comparative Analysis of the Professional Development of Social Work in Taiwan and Hong Kong


在一九五○年代的中國人戰亂時期背景下,同時也蘊育了臺灣與香港專業的社會福利工作的發展;之後臺灣與香港的社會工作專業發展歷程均是經二手擴散及本土化的過程,兩地才呈出現有社會工作專業獨特的面貌。臺灣以一九九七年立法通過的「社會工作師法」確立了管制專業人員的證照制,同年香港以「社會工作者註冊條例」確立了管制專業人員的註冊制。臺灣與香港都是華人的社會文化環境,同樣是以資本主義的經濟發展為主背景,兩地相似的社會工作發展的歷程,卻呈現截然不同的社會工作專業風格,兩地發展的同異之處?不啻是研究社會工作專業發展比較分析及交相攻錯的絕佳題材。 本文先以鉅視論、建構論、專業特質論、專業發展過程論、權變論等觀點,藉以釐清社會工作專業發展歷程之本質及全貌;次再概述臺灣與香港的社會工作專業發展歷程及作比較;最後希冀由香港社會工作發展的啟示,提出作為對臺灣社會工作發展路徑的參考建議。 透過比較分析研究的觀點,筆者發現香港社會工作專業的發展,有四點重要的推力:(一)香港是以經濟發展為主的社會,經濟繁榮時帶動社會福利資源的投注及發展,同時也帶動社會工作專業之發展;經濟停滯時暫緩社會福利各項計劃,同時也影響到社會工作之發展;(二)香港政府可說是香港社會工作專業發展歷程中的前導變項,也可說是香港社會工作專業發展過程裡的中心變項;(三)香港是受西方社會工作思潮影響後,尤其是英、美及加拿大等國的影響,進而快速地傳播和運用西方的社會工作理論及技巧,最終引起香港社會工作教育訓練「本土化」的反思。(四)香港的社工專業組織與機構中,彼此間分工與合作之角色十分醒目,且各有千秋的表現。 因而本文提出六點建議:(一)思索國家在台灣社會工作專業發展裡的角色是如何定位?(二)思索台灣社會工作教育如何與就業市場需求掛鉤?(三)思索台灣社工專業組織團體如何角色定位及分工合作?(四)思索台灣社工專業如何提供社區性綜合的服務?(五)思索台灣社工專業人員的證照制(或稱執照方式)及註冊制(或稱登錄方式)並行的雙軌制?(六)思索台灣專業服務和庶務行政的如何分野?或是思索如何讓社工師及助理社工分級? 總之,本文透過比較分析的觀點,在政經社會環境、政府的政策與角色、教育訓練、社工專業發展的趨勢及面臨挑戰等面向作比較,藉以瞭解臺灣與香港兩地社會工作專業發展之相同性及相異性之處,希冀達到之目的有三:(一)增進對臺灣社會工作專業發展之政策面環境了解;(二)從鉅視的角度了解香港對社會工作專業發展歷程的特殊議題或問題的反應及作為,並從中學習其經驗;(三)藉比較分析研究中獲得更多資料,以助益臺灣建構社會工作專業理論與實務之發展。


In the 1950s, after the end of the civil war in China, professional social work developed along different lines. At that time, both places followed a course of indigenous development as ell as absorbing. second-hand as it were, diverse practices in social work. Now they reflect different development patterns in the practice of social work. The ”Social Work Act” of 1997 in Taiwan and the ”Social Workers Registration Ordinance” also of 1997 in Hong Kong were enacted to govern social workers in both places. Taiwan and Hong Kong have the same background of a Chinese culture and capitalist economy, yet they have different development patterns of social work practice. Thus they offer perfect material for a comparative analysis of the concepts and issues involved. To begin with, this paper will discuss the intrinsic nature and components of social work in view of: Clarke and Newman's three settlements Payne's social construction; Greenwood's professional attributes; Wilensky's professional process; and Johnson and Yanca's four models. Secondly, it will review the development of social work and conduct a comparative analysis of the concepts and issues so involved in Taiwan and Hong Kong. By a comparative analysis of the professional development of social work in Hong Kong will find out four pushing factors: 1. The developmental resources of social welfare and social work are infected by the development of capitalist economy. 2. The role of the government in social work is in the core of position in Hong Kong. 3. The development of professional social work in Hong Kong was in process of secondary diffusion and indigenous to social work practice now. 4. The professional social work associations are formed one after another in Hong Kong. They reflect the developmental pattern and professionalization process of social work. Thirdly, it will suggest a path for Taiwan derived from Hong Kong's social work practices. The conclusion of the article has six thoughts: 1. How to define the role of the government in social work in Taiwan. 2. How to effectively educate students in social work practices. 3. How social work associations can co-operate in perfect harmony. 4. How to provide general social work services to the community. 5. How to monitor the quality of social workers through licensing and registration. 6. How to promote professional social work and classify social workers. Finally, this paper in view of comparative analysis discusses the political-economical-social environment, the policy and role of government in social work, the education and training in social work, the trend of social work and the challenge in the future in both places and the author hopes that this paper will have three aims: 1. To better understand and promote the policy of professional social work in Taiwan. 2. To learn from the experience of Hong Kong by having a complete understanding of particular issues or problems and the solutions adopted there. 3. To collect more material for constructing an indigenous theory and practice in the development of professional social work in Taiwan.




