  • 期刊


Challenges of Sensitive Question on the National Interview Survey: The Case of Intimate Partner Violence against Women




Sensitive issues often become topics of social work research, yet few researchers collect data via national interview surveys. Concerns regarding the respondents' representativeness, nonresponse rate, and responsive quality have appeared on interview surveys on sensitive questions. This study, based on 4 focus group interviews with 31 interviewers who participated in the 2017 and 2021 IPV national interview surveys, explored challenges faced by interviewers during the interview survey on IPV questions and how they respond to these challenges. The results of this study have shown: 1. To be successful, contact with the respondents was critical for increasing the representativeness of the sample; 2. Reducing situational interference could increase the cooperation of the respondents and reduce the negative impact on the research quality; and 3. Clarifying the respondents' doubts about IPV questions and giving support could increase the cooperation of the respondents and enhance the research's effectiveness. Despite facing such challenges, interview survey is suitable for IPV research, compared with other surveys such as telephone survey or self-administered questionnaire survey. The respondents can even be empowered during the process of carrying out interview surveys. This study suggests that future research of the IPV or other sensitive issues and questions should strengthen the interviewer training and supervision during the data collection, and the use of computer-aided tools should be considered during interview surveys on sensitive questions.


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