  • 期刊


A Combination of the Contexts and Human Emotion: The Development and Evolution of human-computer Interaction Theory


綜覽人機互動的理論發展與流變,源自於認知心理學提供理論基礎,藉以瞭解使用者的認知模式,將人類資訊處理視作電腦訊號處理的過程,主要探討任務執行時資訊在人類與機器之間的傳遞,藉以形塑使用者的概念模式。然而,過去人機互動研究引用認知心理學取徑時,多數僅限於探討使用者如何處理介面資訊,忽略人們如何在所身處的環境與其他人互動,以及如何與電腦以外的其他資源進行互動,以致於依賴使用性問題作為設計決策,無法確切瞭解使用者在真實環境中x所面臨到的問題。另一方面,傳統人機互動研究關注產品功能和使用者效能的局限性,導致忽略情緒性經驗的互動議題。本文根據活動理論(activity theory)以及Norman所提出的情緒設計(emotional design)觀點,嘗試為人機互動研究提出未來建議。人機互動研究應結合情緒與經驗的理論概念,擴張認知層次至情緒層次。運用活動理論全觀性的觀點,探索情境影響之下各元素相互作用所形塑的意義詮釋。與此同時,將情緒因素納入社會互動的考量層面,分析使用者對於產品、系統或介面所引發的情緒反應,瞭解社會互動所形塑的情緒意義,藉此建構使用者經驗的全貌。


In the overview of the development and evolution of human-computer interaction research, the cognitive psychology provides a theoretical basis to understand the user's cognitive model. For exploring the information transferred between humans and machines while implementing the task, the cognitive approach regards human information processing as a critical stage of signal processing to shape the user's conceptual model. However, nowadays human computer interaction studies employing the cognitive psychology, which is limited to discuss how to deal with the information of user interface, ignoring how people interact with other people and resources in the environment. That is to say, employing the usability as a design guideline cannot realize the problems which the users would face in the real world. On the other hand, the traditional human-computer interaction researches focusing on product features and its performance, leading the researchers to overlook the interaction issues about human emotional experience. According to activity theory and Norman's emotional design, this article suggests that human-computer interaction studies should comprise the theoretical concepts of emotion and experience in the future, and extend cognitive level to the emotional level. Utilizing activity theory, studies could explore the interaction of the elements under the influence of the social contexts. At the same time, for the purpose of exploring user's experience and the emotional significance of social interaction, this article also suggests the future studies should analyze emotional reactions of the user triggered by products, systems or computer interfaces.


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