  • 期刊


An Alchemical Classic of the Daoist 'Southern School'-An Interpretation and Application of the Wuzhen Pian


《悟真篇》是北宋道士紫陽真人張伯端(984或987-1082)的作品,為道教南宗修煉性命的寶典。該書內容採用天人合一思想,將人身比附宇宙,配合時節進行內丹的修煉,不僅與丹經名著《周易參同契》彼此闡發;同時作者對於佛學之涉獵亦深,旨在以此書勸勉同道,參究「本源真覺之性」。因此,本書實可作為參禪修道者之借鑑。 《悟真篇》的註本頗多,本論文以宋、元註本為主要的研究範疇,期待以後能再完成明、清註本的討論。在緒論,先行鋪陳與主題《悟真篇》相關的道教文化背景;其次,敘述作者張伯端事蹟、撰寫《悟真篇》的經過,並且考證宋、元的多種註本。第三,論述作者著作《悟真篇》的主旨、結構和內容概要;第四,先是分析宋、元註本結構,進而討論註本詮釋的修道內涵及其應用。論文中除了達成對作者撰寫原書的主旨與內容之探討外,並分析宋、元註本詮釋之不同角度的認知方式。


張伯端 悟真篇 道教南宗 內丹 修鍊性命


The Wuzhen Pian (Chapters on the Awakening to Truth) is a work by a Daoist of the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Boduan (984/7-1082). It is an alchemical classic of the Daoist 'Southern School' and seeks to perfect and discipline human nature (xing) and body (ming). The book adopts the idea of the union between Heaven and man, metaphorically compares the human body to the universe and coordinates with the season to practice the training of nei dan (inner alchemy). It not only refers to the famous Dan Jing, the Zhouyi Cantong Qi, it also shows a profound understanding of Buddhism. The author encourages his followers to consult their 'inner intuition'. Therefore, the book can be used for reference by those practicing Zen and Dao. The Wuzhen Pian is known in many annotated versions. This essay is based on versions of the Song and Ming dynasties, hoping that the discussion of Ming and Qing versions will be finished in later research. The introduction illustrates the Daoist cultural context of the Wuzhen Pian. The article then describes the achievements of Zhang Boduan, and the process by which the Wuzhen Pian was written, based on textual research into the diverse annotated versions of the Song and Ming dynasties. The paper then investigates the purpose for which the author wrote the Wuzhen Pian, and presents the structure of the book with an abstract of the content. It analyses the Song and Ming annotated versions, and discusses the meaning of cultivation of Dao and its application as interpreted in the versions. In addition to examining the author's purpose and the content of the book, this article also compares different interpretations in the Song and Ming versions.


