  • 期刊


Religious Studies and their Standpoint: The Significance of "The Devil in Mr. Jones" by Jonathan Z. Smith




This article explores a masterpiece by Jonathan Z. Smith written in the early 1980s: The Devil in Mr. Jones. In order to help Chinese readers better understand this work, I work on two areas: an introduction to the major points of the work and a modern interpretation. With a focus on the history, position, standpoint and method of Religious Studies shown by Jonathan Z. Smith, my article summarizes five specific patterns. These patterns cover the main points of the subject and make this masterpiece much more than a case study. J. Z. Smith's work can be taken as an excellent textbook for teaching Religious Studies and a foundation for Religious Studies. As I point out, the 'three publics' proposed by Malcolm Miles in 2000 is a good response and an extension of the ideas of J. Z. Smith.


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