  • 期刊


From Religious Celebrations and Ritual Practice to Reflection on ideas held by Believers: The place of When Mazu meets Mary in interreligious Dialogue




In Taiwan, interreligious dialogue is mainly engaged in at academic conferences. Yet the joint organization of the When the Holy Mother (Mazu) from the East Meets the Virgin (Mary) from the West: Let Love Fly interreligious dialogue activity by the Catholic Church of Wanjin and the Taoist Zongtian Temple in Taiwan in 2018, was a rare ritual practice of interreligious dialogue. This rarity highlights the potential contribution of my research. Based on extensive fieldwork, interviews with the principal actors, and a literature analysis, the study found that the dialogue at the event took place on three levels: between religious leaders, in ritual practice, and among ordinary believers. In addition to the efforts of the leaders of both parties, other factors-the Taoist view of interreligious dialogue, revelation of the deity, the Catholic Church's promotion of interreligious dialogue, the geographical environment of fellow villagers, the similarity of a statue and procession of the Holy Mother, the desire to transmit love and the religious environment of Taiwan-played a role. The issue of exclusivity can be regarded as the most critical factor. Compared with the conference table style of religious dialogue, ordinary believers participated more deeply and everyone was able to feel connected to others. The clearer the interpretation and interpretation of the underlying meaning of the ritual is, the easier it is for dialogue to work well during religious celebrations.


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