  • 期刊


Cyprian's Spirit of Episcopal Collegiality and Pope Francis's Spirit of Synodality


本文論述居普良與教宗方濟各兩人在主教共治這個歷史概念上的延續性。本研究發現兩人均認同地區主義,允許不同地區保持各自的傳統,並在這個基礎上,對普世教會透過經常性對話來達到共識抱持著開放的態度。地區主義允許每個區域在面對共識時保有按照區域性觀點來調和應用此共識的自由。共識並非僵化的一致性。居普良主義的精神是合一中的多元,並且講求本質上的同等,卻不否定在同等當中有榮銜上的區別。此精神確保普世首席與地區教團,以及地區教團中的各成員之間能夠維持一種動態的平衡關係。雖然主教共治此一概念藉由梵二會議所設立之世界主教會議(synod of bishops)此一機制得到了些許的復甦,但因著對羅馬首席權的依賴導致地區意志的被埋沒,也因著神職主義下所形塑出來的教會觀,讓主教共治的內在精神無法得到充分的落實。教宗方濟各以提出「全教會同行」理念來做為解決之道。此一理念除了強烈相信地區主教所能發揮的特殊貢獻,也鼓勵包括窮人在內的平信徒一起來塑造教會生活的未來。教宗方濟各的理念在通諭〈福音的喜樂〉有清楚的闡釋。他的教會觀承襲了居普良對教會的合一異象以及梵二會議對普世共融的追求。「全教會同行」理念的貢獻在於它拓寬了共治的概念,藉由吸收從平信徒而來的共融,不僅可以推動舊有主教制的改革,也使教會從聖靈觀的視角成為真正的普世性以及具有組織性的活力。這個理念比起居普良的教會觀更能呈現出一個凝聚眾信徒的深度連結。然而,教宗方濟各「全教會同行」的理念並非今日世界所認知的民主制度,它乃是一個要讓福音能夠在現代處境被見證的新策略。從這個目的來做評估,教宗方濟各的同行理念不僅只侷限在宗教的領域,而也隱含著期待普世人類共融的深意。


This article shows that there is a continuity between Cyprian and Pope Francis in terms of the historical idea of episcopal collegiality. Especially, this research finds that both persons share a common belief in localism, which permits different regions to hold their own traditions and on that basis is further open to ecumenical consensus through constant dialogue. With the consensus being reached, each region retains its freedom to apply it according to the local perspective. Hence, consensus is not rigid uniformity. The spirit of diversity in unity and that of unequal honor without losing fundamental equality, which are the basics of Cyprian's vision, guarantee a dynamic balance both between the ecumenical head and the local synods, as well as between members of each local synod. Although the idea of episcopal collegiality was revived somewhat by the mechanism of the synod of bishops created during the Vatican II, its effectiveness was hampered by clericalism and the tendency to fall back to Roman primacy at the cost of the local will. As the solution, Pope Francis calls for synodality, which, aside from deepening the faith in the indispensable contribution of local episcopacy, opens the door to and encourages the participation of laypersons, including the poor, in shaping the future of the life called church. Pope Francis's ideas, highlighted by his apostolic exhortation evangelii gaudium, inherit Cyprian's vision of ecumenical unity and the gift of Vatican II's pursuit for ecumenism. The genius of the idea of synodality broadens the concept of collegiality by incorporating the communion with laypersons, making it possible to reform the old episcopacy by allowing the church from the pneumatological perspective to be truly ecumenical and organically dynamic. This more in-depth bond among believers excels the original Cyprian idea of the church. Nonetheless, Pope Francis's idea of synodality is not what we call democracy today. Rather, it is the new way by which the Gospel can be witnessed in the modern context. To this end, Pope Francis's idea of synodal spirit is not confined only to the religious sphere, but has its implication for the universal communion of the humanity.


天主教臺灣地區主教團秘書處編著(2014)。《天主教法典 : 拉丁文-中文》。台北市:天主教臺灣地區主教團。
Calvin, John (1960). Institutes of the Christian Religion vol. 2. trans. F. L. Battles. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press.
Grane, L. (1987). Augsburg Confession: A Commentary. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House.
