  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study of the Meaning of the Dietary Health Promotion and Reminiscence Group for the Elders' Social-Psychological Health in Nursing Institutions




Purpose: Implementing healthy diet and group reminiscence promotion interventions in nursing institutions may be beneficial for the physical and mental health of older adults, which can promote active aging. Healthy diets are crucial for the self-efficacy of older adults. However, health promotion interventions incorporating information on healthy diets are rare, and relevant empirical studies are also limited. Accordingly, the aim of this preliminary study was to explore the effects of a healthy diet and group reminiscence promotion (DRHPG) intervention on the sociopsychosocial health of older adults in nursing institutions. Methods: We implemented the DRHPG intervention in two nursing institutions in central Taiwan, after which we conducted two focus group interviews with seven medical staff members. Results: We observed that the DRHPG intervention positively affected the older adults. Specifically, the intervention prompted them to adopt healthy eating habits; to interact with others, which helped newly arrived older adults to adapt to the new environment; to develop self-integrity; to improve their self-esteem; and to feel happy. Nevertheless, when implementing the DRHPG intervention, nursing institutions may face challenges such as a lack of professional knowledge on DRHPG management and related high costs. Conclusions: Health promotion interventions incorporating healthy diets and reminiscence therapy can positively affect the sociopsychological health of older adults in nursing institutions. We present suggestions for policymakers and the general public on how to implement DRHPG interventions to improve the welfare of older adults in nursing institutions.


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