  • 期刊

Development and Testing of an Instrument to Measure Inter actions in Synchronous Distance Education



隨著電腦及網路科技的蓬勃發展,學生透過遠距教學方式能夠即時且彈性獲得新的資訊,達到終身學習的目標。由於研究者在以往推動遠距教學的過程中,發現學生感受到遠距教學的教學互動較傳統課室教學為少,因此本研究目的為建立同步式遠距教學中教學互動評估量表,並測試量表的信效度,以做為評量遠距教學中教學互動的工具。本研究係依研究者經驗及參考文獻,編製36 題「同步式遠距教學互動量表」,然後對接受同步式遠距教學課程的二所學校100 名學生進行測試,將收集資料檢測此量表信效度。研究結果發現此量表信度Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient 為0.901,以因素分析進行量表建構效度,結果共萃取出29 題,並歸類出七種互動類型,其可解釋總變異量為72.69 %。此量表經由測試結果顯示具有良好內在一致性及建構效度,為一有效且可用的工具,它能夠有效評估同步式遠距教學中互動狀況,有助於教師瞭解遠距教學課程中教學互動狀況,可提供未來發展各類科同步式遠距教學課程的參考。


遠距教學 教學互動 評量


The advance of computer and net work technology has made it possible for students to flexibly acquire real-time information through distance education, allowing life-long learning. As in previous studies, the researchers found that students generally experienced less instructional interaction in distance education as compared to the traditional classroom setting. The purpose of this study was to develop and test a reliable and valid instrument to evaluate instructional inter actions in synchronous distance education. Based on a literature review and researcher experience, a 36-item interaction scale was developed and administered to 100 students from two different schools. Data were collected and the reliability and validity of the scale were tested. The results showed that the scale had a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.901. Factor analysis was used to test the construct validity and 29 items were extracted and divided into seven different inter action factors. These seven factors explained 72.69% of the total variance. Further more, the results showed that the scale had good internal consistency and construct validity, and would therefore provide an effective and useful tool for evaluating interaction in synchronous distance education. Use of this instrument can help teachers to understand interactions taking place in a synchronous distance education environment and pro vide guidance for the future development of distance education programs for various disciplines.


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