



太極拳 虛弱老人 觀感


The beneficial effects of Tai Chi on an elder's well-being have been well documented; however, not many frail elders practice it. The purpose of this descriptive study was to explore the perspectives frail elders have about Tai Chi, including its movements, practice frequency and duration, and practice preferences. Using focus groups, 40 frail elders who lived in long-term care facilities were interviewed. Results indicated that Tai Chi styles with slow and large motions were manageable. Subjects preferred to practice 1ai Chi in a group of 10 to 20 people, twice a week with 31 to 60 minutes of practice in the early morning or in the afternoon after napping. The practice locations should be wide, flat, non-disturbed, and well-ventilated. Tai Chi instructors should be experienced, gentle, considerate, and have clarity in expression. Findings can be used to design a simple Tai Chi program that is specifically tailored to the needs of frail elders.


Tai Chi frail elders perspectives


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Chen, C. H.,Yen, M. F.(2002).The effects of Tai Chi on symptom control in patients with chronic illness.The Journal of Nursing.49(5),22-27.

