  • 期刊

Development of a Web-Based Childbirth Education Program for Vaginal Birth after C-Section (VBAC) Mothers



本研究目的在發展一套剖腹產後自然生產(Vaginal Birth After C-section,VBAC)之「網路生產教育課程」。進行的過程分為兩階段,第一階段為課程發展,依照網路課程設計(Analysis,Design,Development,Implementation,Evaluation,ADDIE)的五個階段-分析、設計、發展、執行、評鑑,來設計網路課程;第二階段為測試課程之成效,將經過專家評鑑後之網路課程,置於國立台北護理學院護理系網站,開放給網友自行上網選課,並進行教學介入及測試課程之成效。共10位有剖腹產經驗,且懷孕32週以上之經產婦個案,完成VBAC網路生產教育課程。本研究之量性資料將進行描述性及配對t統計分析,質性資料以Colaizzi的現象學進行內容分析。第一階段發展的結果:發展出課程目標、課程內容、教學方法及網路課程(共90分鐘)。第二階段測試成效的結果:研究對象在上課前、後對VBAC知識及態度上有顯著差異;對課程整體滿意度為80.8%;課程的實用性可評為「面面俱到」。本研究所研發的課程,能提供護理人員據以推廣VBAC,讓有剖腹產經驗之婦女勇於接受VBAC。


The purpose of this study was to develop a web-based childbirth educational program for VBAC (vaginal birth after C-section) mothers. It contained two phases. In the first phase, analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation (ADDIE) based on theoretical frameworks were used to establish the program. The second phase (implementation and evaluation) included: expert approval, posting on the Website of National Taipei College of Nursing, program registration through the Internet, implementing the educational program, and testing the results of the curriculum. Ten mothers who had experienced C-section previously and were currently pregnant for over 32 weeks participated in this program. The quantitative data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and pair-t test. Colaizzi's phenomenological method was used for the qualitative data. The first phase established the program goals, course content, teaching methods, and a 90-minute educational program. The outcomes of the second phase: the tests before and after the curriculum were significantly different in VBAC knowledge (p<.01) and attitude (p<.05), participants evaluated the program to be ”thorough”. This VBAC educational program can be offered to nursing staff as a means to promote VBAC.


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