  • 期刊

The Exercise Patterns of Pregnant Women in Taiwan



背景 沒有內外科疾病的孕婦,應每天至少有30分鐘以上的中等強度之運動,但大多數的孕婦並未達到建議。目的 欲瞭解孕婦規律運動之相關因素,及從懷孕前至懷孕期間運動型態及持續時間的改變。方法 共有692位孕婦完成問卷調查,分為規律運動組(105位,15.2%)及未規律運動組(587位,84.8%)共兩組。瞭解社會人口學、運動有關變項與孕期運動的關係。結果 孕期規律運動的顯著預測因子為工作狀態、懷孕前運動、妊娠階段。孕婦常見的運動型態為走路、爬樓梯及瑜珈。近八成(526位佔76%)的婦女於懷孕前未規律運動。有42.9%的婦女會從孕前持續運動至懷孕;有10.1%者於孕前無運動,但懷孕後才開始運動;有57.1%於懷孕後停止運動。整體而言,婦女於懷孕後會減少每週運動的時間。結論 走路和爬樓梯為台灣孕婦最常見的規律運動型態,規律運動有益懷孕婦女的健康。應該鼓勵婦女於懷孕期間積極的生活型態。本研究結果可提供醫護人員於促進孕婦規律運動和採取主動生活型態之參考。


Background: Unless advised otherwise by their doctor, pregnant women should get approximately 30minutes of moderate exercise on most days. However, most pregnant women do not exercise regularly and do not meet the American College of Obstetricians Gynecology's standard for the minimumamount of exercise needed to stay healthy during pregnancy. Purpose: We investigate the factors related to regular exercise among pregnantwomenand describe the type, duration, and change in regular exercise from prepregnancy to pregnancy in Taiwan. Methods: Pregnant women (N=692) completed a questionnaire on exercise habits and were then grouped into regular exercise (105, 15.2%) and nonregular exercise (587, 84.8%) groups. Demographic and exercise-related variables were then investigated for their association with exercise during pregnancy. Results: Work status, prepregnancy exercise, and trimester were significant predictors of regular exercise during pregnancy. The most commonly reported exercise types were walking, climbing stairs, and yoga.Nearly four fifths (n = 526, 76.0%) of participants did not exercise regularly before pregnancy, whereas 42.9%of participants continued exercising regularly after becoming pregnant. Among thosewho were inactive before pregnancy, 10.1% began exercising after becoming pregnant. In contrast, 57.1% of participants who had beenmore active before pregnancy stopped exercising regularly after becoming pregnant. Overall, itwas found that participants decreased their amount (minutes×times/week) of exercise compared with their prepregnancy amount. Conclusions: Results suggest that walking and climbing stairs, each beneficial to the health of pregnant women, are the most common types of regular exercise engaged in by pregnantwomen in Taiwan.Regular exercise benefits the health of pregnantwomen. The findings of this study may be useful to doctors and nurses responsible to counsel pregnant women to exercise regularly and to have a reasonably active lifestyle during pregnancy.


regular exercise pregnancy active lifestyle


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