  • 期刊


An Investigation of Adolescent Obesity and Associated Behaviors


目的:青少年肥胖是重要的公共衛生議題,瞭解影響肥胖的行為因素有助防治策略的訂定。本研究探討臺北縣青少年肥胖盛行率、相關社會心理因素以及肥胖的相關危險行為。方法:以臺北縣政府衛生局「98年臺北縣青少年身心健康調查」資料進行分析。先依衛生署兒童青少年的肥胖定義標準進行歸類,再以卡方檢定檢驗肥胖狀態與家庭背景、憂鬱症狀以及肥胖相關行為之間的關係,最後以多元名義邏輯式迴歸分析,檢驗各種肥胖相關行為對肥胖狀態的影響程度。結果:青少年過重或肥胖盛行率為24%,男性過重比例為12.6%、肥胖為15.7%,女性則分別為11.0%以及8.9%。父親教育程度及憂鬱症狀與肥胖具有相關性。女性肥胖的危險行為是攝取含糖飲料及過長的媒體時間;媒體時間同樣是男性肥胖的危險因子,身體活動則為男性肥胖的保護因子。結論:近1/4青少年過重或肥胖,且男女性有不同的肥胖危險行為。青少年肥胖防治可以分性別透過降低含糖飲料攝取、媒體使用時間以及增加身體活動等行為進行介入與防治。(台灣家醫誌2011; 21: 57-66)




Purpose: Adolescent obesity is an important public health issue. It would be helpful to understand the behavioral factors that contribute to obesity in order to prevent it. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of overweight adolescents and the psychosocial factors and risky behaviors associated with obesity in Taipei County. Methods: Data were extracted from the 2009 Campus Health Survey of Adolescents in Taipei County. In this research, we analyzed socio-demographic variables, self-reported height and weight, and health behaviors contributing to obesity. Our definition of adolescent obesity was based on body mass index as recommended by the Department of Health in Taiwan. Chi-Square tests and multinomial logistic regression were used to analyze the associated factors. Results: The overall prevalence rate of adolescent overweight and obesity was 24%. The prevalence rates for overweight and obesity were 12.6% and 15.7%, respectively, for males and 11.0% and 8.9% respectively for females. Adolescent obesity was related to the father's education and adolescent depression. For female adolescents, consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages was a risk factor for obesity;, and, for both females and males, watching TV or audiovisual entertainment was a risk factor as well; however, exercise was a protective factor for male adolescents.Conclusions: The combination of overweight and obesity accounted for close to a quarter of the whole survey population, and it was significantly related to family factors and depression. The factors affecting adolescent obesity might be gender specific: for females, sugar-sweetened beverage intake and a long time viewing media, and, for males, less exercise and a long time viewing media. Adolescent obesity might be preventable by intervention in these risky behaviors.(Taiwan J. Fam. Med. 2011; 21: 57-66)


adolescent obesity


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