  • 期刊


Peripheral Vertigo Followed by Lateral Medullary and Cerebellar Infarction: A Case Report






A 57-year-old man was admitted due to right vestibular neuritis. His peripheral vertigo remitted in two days; however, central vertigo occurred one day after he was discharged in stable condition. There were also symptoms and signs of left Wallenburg's syndrome including singultus, left ptosis, cross sensory defects (left hemifacial, right limb and hemitruncal hypesthesia), left hemiglossal dysguesia, left limb dysmetria and wide-based gait. After imaging studies were performed, he was diagnosed with acute left lateral medullary and cerebellar infarction related central vertigo. In this case, brain infarction related central vertigo followed shortly after vestibular neuritis related peripheral vertigo had been resolved. We hope to provide at-risk patients with preventive health care as early as possible.


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