  • 期刊


Analysis on the Utilization of Outpatient Service at Correctional Facilities before and after the National Health Insurance: Hualien Prison as an Example




Background and purpose: Health care costs of inmates at correctional facilities in most countries rely mainly on government funding. In Taiwan, inmates have become eligible for the National Health Insurance (NHI) coverage since 2012. This paper analyzes the outpatient data of inmates at Hualien prison from 2012 to 2015 to compare the status of health care utilization before and after the NHI coverage and to examine the implementation of this policy and the problems it has encountered. Methods: We analysis the statistics data of Hualien Prison clinic from 2012 to 2015, including the number of clinics by specialty, the number of outpatient visits, the average number of visits per person, and common diseases. Results: The number of clinics by specialty increased from 9 to 18 after the implementation of the NHI coverage. During the period from 2012 to 2015, the average number of outpatient visits per month rose from 40.2 to 48.5 times, the average of outpatient visits per clinic per month declined from 39.1 to 27.3 times, and the number of outpatient visits per person per year dropped from 10.51 to 8.54 times. Common diseases included respiratory infections, skin diseases, and psychiatric disorders. Dentistry also reported a considerable demand, but the supply was inadequate due to time-consuming treatment. Conclusion: After the incorporation of inmates at correctional facilities into the NHI coverage, the problem of short supply of medical service has been greatly improved. With the NHI financing mechanism and proper control and management, inmates too can have access to reasonable use of health care resources.


監獄行刑法:第八章 衛生及醫治。2014年5月13日,取自http://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?PCode=I0040001
法務部:監獄行刑法施行細則。第八章 衛生及醫治,94年9月23日公布。
全民健康保險法施行細則。2 0 1 7年5 月1 8 日, 取自http://mohwlaw.mohw.gov.tw/NEWS/NewsContent.aspx?msgid=4013&KW=全民健康保險法
