  • 期刊


Framing same-sex marriages as moral policies: an analysis of faith-based news outlets




When the legalisation of same-sex marriages was first proposed in 2013, the Christian-based counter movement emerged. The discussions of gender equity policies began to blend in discussions of Christian morality as well as Confucian morality under the framework of liberalism. The paper explores the way in which the counter movement frames same-sex marriages as morality policies in Taiwan, and the researcher applies the framework of morality policy frames to analyse news reports on same-sex marriage from three of the chosen Christian news media, Taiwan Church News Network, Chinese Christian Tribune, and Christian Daily. The researcher collects 286 articles on same-sex marriage from three widely-circulated Christian newspapers for discourse analysis. The paper demonstrates that Taiwan Church News Network applies private behaviour morality frames to same-sex marriage policy by urging Christians to face all sorts of moral arguments from the spiritual understanding of justice which offers a symbolic inventory different from that of the counter movement. Chinese Christian Tribune frames same-sex marriage as a "conflict" social behaviour morality policy through constructing the narratives of ex-gays. Chinese Christian Tribune blends in Christian morality and Confucian morality in order to urge Christians and the public to protect "tradition values." Christian Daily applies a "doubled" social behaviour frames to emphasise the conflicts between "traditional values" and the discourse of human rights imported from the West via the evil symbol of the LGBT movement. It urges Christians to engage in the process of policy making process by applying the governmental morality frames.


〈「兩性大腦發育、變異、與同性戀大腦偏差對國家社會影響」講座〉,基督教論壇報(2015 年7 月10 日)。
〈【同婚特輯】同性戀婚姻從國外到臺灣 教會如何以真理悍衛〉,基督教今日報(2016 年2 月5 日)。
〈反對同性婚姻法案 不等同向同性戀者丟石頭〉,基督教論壇報(2013 年11月19 日)。
(2014)。加拿大台灣人權協會致PCT 公開函。教會公報
