  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Process of Senior High School Curriculum-Guidelines Revision in Taiwan: A Perspective of the Third Face of Power


這篇論文旨在探究我國高中課綱修訂過程中,執政者的權力行使方式。權力研究不只是政治學的研究範疇,更是影響公共政策形成的關鍵因素。自Steven Lukes提出權力的第三個面向之主張後,引起學界長達三十年的激辯,也影響公共政策的分析途徑。Lukes認為權力的行使不僅表現於掌權者在政策制定過程中對服從者的控制行為,也包含政策制定者將「不利議題」排除於政策議程之外的阻擋行為,甚至利用意識形態的霸權(ideological hegemony),建構有利於統治者的社會現實,形塑民眾的價值觀,以服從掌權者的統治。政府為了推動十二年國教,教育部積極著手修訂新課綱,然而高中課綱的修訂過程中,因馬政府時期強力推行的課綱微調案而引發反微調課綱運動,雖然蔡政府上任後,以行政命令廢除高度爭議的微調課綱,但對於國文科的文言文比例和歷史科的史觀爭議,卻又力排眾議的主導課綱修訂方向。因此,本文藉由Lukes提出之權力的第三面向,分析國家意識形態的霸權如何影響、操作我國高中課綱的修訂,使教育政策的制定者以及從事教育工作者,不但理解國家權力對教育政策的影響,而且體認教育政策與政治意識形態息息相關。


This paper explores the way in which the power of ruling party involved in the revision process of senior high school curriculum-guidelines in Taiwan. The study on power is not only an important field in political science, but also a key factor affecting the formation of public policy. Since Steven Lukes proposed the third face of power, this concept has caused an academic debate over 30 years, and has also affected the approach toward public policy. Lukes believed that ruling party's power could control not only the ruled behaviors, but also set the policy agenda excluding those adverse issues. Furthermore, the ruling party would use its ideological hegemony to construct a social reality that favors the ruling party and shapes the values of the people to obey. In order to promote the 12-year compulsory education, the Ministry of Education actively began to revise the new curriculum guidelines. However, in the revision process of the senior high school curriculum-guidelines, the "anti-black-box operation of curriculum-guidelines" movement was triggered by the fine-tuning of the curriculum-guidelines during the period of Ma's Administration. When Tsai took office as the President, an administrative ordinance was issued to abolish the highly controversial fine-tuning curriculum-guidelines. Despite the controversies about the proportion of classical Chinese being taught and about historical viewpoints of Taiwan or China, the Tsai's Administration still steered the revision process. Therefore, adopting the concept of the third face of power proposed by Lukes, this paper analyzes how the ruling party's ideology influences and manipulates the revision of senior high school curriculum-guidelines in Taiwan, so that educational policy makers and educators can be aware of the influences from state power over education policy and the closed relationship between education policy and political ideology.


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