  • 期刊


"The Book of Historical Records: Lu Zhonglian/Zou Yang Biographies": The Narrative Connotations and the Causes of Their Combined Biographies




《史記》 《漢書》 魯仲連 鄒陽 梁孝王


In The Book of Historical Records: Lu Zhonglian/Zou Yang Biographies, Lu Zhonglian was active in the late Warring States period and Zou Yang was a native of the early Western Han Dynasty. Because of the time gap between the two men and the fact that their stories are not similar, there are divergent views as to why their stories were combined among the scholars over the years. Some suggest that since Lu Zhonglian had a book entitled "The Book of the Remains of General Yan" and Zou Yang had a book entitled "The Book of King Xiao of the Liang State in Prison", Shi Gong combined their stories. There are those who argue that they were both "Qi people" and shared the same geographical background. Aiso, others argue that they were "of the same temperament" and shared the same sentiment of "solving difficulties and disputes". There are also scholars who agree with and praise Shi Gong for he combined the two men's biographies, while others say that they do not understand Shi Gong's intention of joining the two people's biographies, and they even say that the work was a hasty and inappropriate compilation. After an in-depth analysis of the narrative content of The Book of Historical Records, we can find that the relevant chapters of The Book of Historical Records "intersect" with each other. The Book of Han: The Biography of Jia Zoumai, which is an inter-textual reference to the invention of the Book of Historical Records, clarifies the narrative connotations of the combined biographies, as well as the personalities and actions of both to demonstrate the skill of the lobbyist. In addition to the fact that the book is based on previous research, this paper summarizes the reasons for the unification of the two biographies into five points: "the same people from the Qi", "the same traveller", "the same encounter", "the same storytelling techniques", and "the same aspirations and behaviour".


西漢‧劉向集錄,《戰國策》(台北:里仁書局,1990 年 9 月)。
後漢‧班固撰、唐‧顏師古注、清‧王先謙補注、清‧錢大昕考異,《漢書補注》(台北:新文豐出版公司,1988 年 3 月)。
明‧凌稚隆輯校、明‧李光縉增補、日本‧有井範平補標,《史記評林》(台北:地球出版社,1992 年 3 月)。
