  • 期刊


Short Communication: Epidemiological Survey of Blood Parasites Infection and Immunization Status of Housed Dogs in Kinmen Area




To understand the present status of canine blood parasites infection among housed dogs in Kinmen area, a combined ELlSA kit IDEXX® (Dirofilaria immitis, Ehrlichia canis, Borrelia burgdorferi) and microscopic examinations of Giemsa's stained blood smears were conducted in randomly chosen 96 individuals (1, 148 total population) in December 2001 . The percentage of D. imitis, E. canis and B. burgdorferi seropositive dogs were detected to be 4.2%, 13 .5% and 0% respectively and of the infected population, dual infection rate was 2.1%. Blood smear examinations revealed 12.5% of the dogs with Ehrlichia morula hosted in either monocyte or platelets. Taken together with results of ELISA kits, Ehrlichiasis was 15.6% of whole surveyed population. Infection of Hepatozoon spp. and Babesia spp. were merely observed in two single individual, respectively. Eighty percents of surveyed dogs did not receive any annual vaccine booster, whereas 87% had been immunized with the anti-Rabies vaccines within the past 12 months. Of the surveyed dogs, 10% were sterilized. Conclusively, low incidence of Dirofilariasis and relatively high prevalence of Ehrlichiasis suggest that prompt means of disease control should be undertaken to prevent from potential increasing prevalence.
