  • 期刊


Using Indicators of Stress Responses and Physiological Functions to Evaluate Effects of Different Nitrite Concentration and Temperature on the Soft-shell Turtle (Pedodiscus sinesis )


本研究以亞硝酸鹽及水溫作為探討飼養甲魚的環境因子,且以血糖量、血乳酸量及血總蛋白量作為壓迫生理反應指標;生理機能指標包括腎蜻功能指標的血中尿素氮(Blood urea nitrogen, BUN),心臟及肝臟組織之壞死及功能失常的天門冬酸鹽轉氯酶(Aspartate transaminase, AST/GOT)及丙胺酸轉氯酶(Alanine transaminase, ALT/GPT)活性等。在不同亞硝酸鹽濃度和水溫協同作用下血糖量及血乳酸量之變動, 充分反映甲魚個體能量支應之狀態,可做為具有代表性的生理指標。代表腎功能之BUN指標,或因試驗狀況致使腎功能衰弱所反映的趨勢,仍特進一步驗證。至於AST及ALT等機能反映肝臟組織或細胞/組織一般性機能之反應狀況,亦可做為甲魚對環境耐受度或影響之參考依據。本研究所採用之高低水溫相當接近於存活臨界高低溫值,造成極端性壓迫刺激,可能造成低溫休眼、降低生理機能活性,或因高溫引起生理掙扎等,難免造成生理異常反應;就本試驗中各生理反應及機能指標均充分反映該現象,亦證明所選用指標對生理狀況之標定有相當程度之可信度,值得參考,若能在亞硝酸鹽及水溫協同刺激作用之試駿規劃上做更進一步的細分,將可有效地確定甲魚對環境容忍範圍,可供做為養殖環境建立及管理之依據。


Effects of nitrite concentration and temperature on the soft-shell turtle were evaluated by the changes in the stress response and physiological function-related blood chemistry, including the levels of plasma glucose, lactate, total protein and blood urea nitrogen and the activities of aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase. The deviations of these parameters were highly correlated with the degree of environmental stimuli employed, and reliability of these parameters for representing the physiological conditions were further confirmed. Since extreme conditions of the nitrite concentration and temperature were used in this research, estivation under the cold temperature and struggling responses observed at the high temperature might mask the in situ responses. Thus, the representability and reliability of the changes in these parameters are remained to be elucidated. It is possible that any deviation in the physiological parameters will provide useful information regarding the suitability of the environmental conditions for survival and growth; and in consequence, information obtained will certainly provide a reliable basis for the management of culture environments aimed for improved culture efficiency of this species.
