  • 期刊


Subgroup J Avian Leucosis Virus Infection in Chickens-A Review


家禽白血病(avian leucosis, AL)是由家禽白血病病毒(avian leucosis virus, ALV)引起,依ALV感染宿主的不同、病毒干擾的現象及病毒封套蛋白質上的抗原性不同,可分成十個亞群(A至J)。其中引起淋巴球性白血病的A亞群是最常見的外源性病毒(exogenous virus)。ALVs中的J亞群(subgroup J ALV; ALV-J)於1988年出現,乃由外源性病毒與內源性病毒(endogenous virus)重組而來的,造成養雞業者的嚴重損失,主要是引起肉雞的骨髓球性白血病(myeloid leucosis)。本病的診斷,一般皆以病毒分離及酵素聯結免疫吸附試驗(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)檢測ALVs的群特異性抗原(group-specific antigen, p27),但無病原性且普遍存在於雞隻體內的內源性病毒也會產生p27,因此p27無法作為ALV-J之確診。然而應用ALV-J可在1週齡內雞群中迅速傳播的特性,感染雞群早期的p27會上升,因此檢測1週齡及6週齡雞隻血液p27的升高,可以與無ALV-J感染只含內源性病毒的雞群區別。另也可以聚合酶鏈鎖反應(polymerase chain reaction, PCR)進行腫瘤組織或血球的DNA檢測。本病無疫苗可供預防,且病毒之垂直或早期感染雞隻會造成免疫耐性(immunological tolerance),而無法產生抗體,因此檢測並淘汰雞隻種源之陽性雞隻,為最佳的控制方法。


Avian leucosis virus (ALV) is one of the member of retroviruses, which has been divided into 10 subgroups of A to J. Subgroup A has long been recognized as a carcinogenic disease in chickens, mainly called lymphoid leucosis. Myeloid leucosis induced by the subgroup J avian leucosis virus (ALV-J) has emerged from the recombination of exogenous and endogenous viruses as a serious cause of mortality and other production problems in meat-type chickens throughout the world since 1988. Current methods for detecting ALV-J in chickens including virus isolation and detection of viral group-specific antigen p27 (p27) by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. It have been well known that p27 shared by exogenous ALV-J as well as endogenous ALV. Thus, measuring p27 in samples could not differentiate exogenous from endogenous AWs. However, measuring p27 in the blood at ages 1 and 6 weeks old by ELISA could be used for discriminating the ALV-J-infected flocks from non-infective flocks having endogenous non-tumorigenic avian leucosis. Because the p27 of the former increases but that of the latter decreases during young ages. Extraction DNA from tumor or blood samples for PCR with specific primers is also a suitable method for ALV-J diagnosis. No vaccine is now available. In addition, vertical transmission and early infection cause immunological tolerance in chickens. Thus, eradication of ALV-J from primary breeding flock is the most effective means for controlling of ALV-J infection in chickens.
