  • 期刊


Case Report: A Histologically low-grade well Differentiated Fibrosarcoma Associate with Skull Invasion on the Forehead of a Chihuahua Dog


病犬為一隻約五歲齡,體重2.4公斤,已絕育之雄性吉娃娃犬。據畜主表示,約一年前發現病犬頭部左前額有一團塊,觸感硬實,生長緩慢,但因團塊逐漸變大就診。臨床檢查發現腫塊約3.5×2.5×1.2公分,觸感硬實且呈現游離。經過四個月後,發現腫塊變大為3.9×3.7×2.1公分,經放射線學檢查發現腫瘤疑似造成部分頭骨骨溶解,遂進行腫瘤切除手術,手術過程發現腫瘤侵犯周邊組織,疑似造成部分頭骨骨溶解而形成顱骨凹陷,切除之團塊則進行組織病理學檢查,並以Masson's trichrome stain 以及S-100作進一步確診,最終診斷為纖維肉瘤,且屬於組織學上低分級的纖維肉瘤。本病例顯示,當腫塊團塊還小時即應儘速將腫塊切除,以免造成周邊組織的實質傷害。


A 5years old, 2.4kg, castrated male Chihuahua dog was presented with a slowly growing firm mass which was located on the left forehead redundant. Recently this mass was getting larger and this dog was refereed to the Veterinary medicine Teaching Hospital, National Chung-Hsing University. In physical examination, the mass (3.5×2.5×1.2cm) was firm but moveable. Four months later, the mass was getting larger (3.9×3.7×2.lcm) where osteolysis of the adjacent cranium was suspected through the radiological examination. The mass was excised and a depression on the skull was noted. The excised mass was diagnosed as fibrosarcoma by histological examination, and further confirmed by Masson's trichrom stain as well as S-100 stain. A histologically low-grade well differentiated fibrosarcoma was diagnosed. To avoid skull damage, any mass present in this area should be excised as early as possible.


fibrosarcoma osteolysis massons trichrom stain S-100 dog
