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Reticuloendotheliosis Virus Infection in Taiwan CountryChickens


家禽網狀內皮增生症病毒(reticuloendotheliosis virus; REV)會造成家禽產業的經濟損失,目前台灣土雞的感染情形仍未知,故本研究目的在調查台灣土雞REV的盛行率。利用一對可增幅REV之long terminal repeat(LTR)之引子,以PCR進行檢測細胞DNA是否含REV基因LTR片段。在三種台灣種土雞品系,共計170個樣本之REV前病毒檢測結果中顯示名古屋系(11.1%)及B系(35.9%)均低於S系(38.5%)。偵測239個屠宰場來源肉用土雞樣本之REV前病毒,場陽性率均高於75%。由本實驗結果顯示,REV確實已經在台灣土雞造成相當程度的感染。

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Avian reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) causes an economic loss in the poultry industry. Its present infection status is unknown. The purpose of this study is to investigate the REV prevalence in Taiwan Country chickens. One hundred and seventy blood samples from a parent stock and 239 samples from a slaughter house were collected for REV provirus genome detection. A primer set specific to long terminal repeat (LTR) of REV was used for provirus detection in host cells. The results showed that the prevalence of REV in parent flocks was 31.7%, which was lower than chickens from the slaughter house whose prevalence was greater than 75%. This study indicates that REV infection is common in Taiwan.

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