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Surveillance for Infectious Diseases of Duck in Central andSouth Areas of Taiwan during 2008-2009


台灣地區鴨場於2008年6月起開始有重大疫情發生,為瞭解鴨隻臨床發病原因及其防疫概況,本研究收集2008年7月至2009年6月來自雲林、嘉義及台南縣市之18場次、80病例數之病鴨進行疾病診斷與防疫分析。發病鴨隻經細菌分離、病理學檢查與分子生物學檢驗結果顯示,鴨隻較重要疾病依病鴨發病場次及病例數分析,最高者為鵝小病毒感染症(goose parvovirus infection)分別佔55.55%(10/18)場次及28.75%(23/80)病例數;其次為鴨病毒性肝炎(duck viral hepatitis; DVH)分別佔38.88% (7/18)場次及27.50%(22/80)病例數;第三高者為雷氏桿菌(Ri-emerella anatipestifer; RA)感染症分別佔38.88%(7/18)場次及18.75%(15/80)病例數。另外經由多重病原共同感染結果分析,顯示發病鴨隻由兩種病原造成感染者分別佔有55.55%(10/18)場次及31.25%(25/80)檢出率,而3種或3種以上病原造成感染者分別佔有16.66%(3/18)場次及3.75%(3/80)檢出率。小病及鴨肝炎病毒感染以侵犯雛鴨為主,應強調種鴨產蛋前完成妥適疫苗免疫,藉由移行抗體保護雛鴨;同時建議飼主於進雛時宜選購高免種鴨產下的小鴨方為根本策略;而環狀病毒及RA的預防與控制上,應落實良好的飼養環境及做好生物安全措施。本研究可提供國內鴨病防疫之參考。


Several infectious diseases of duck were reported in central and south areas of Taiwan during 2008 to 2009. The aims of this study were to diagnose the etiological pathogens of these outbreaks and suggest the preventive strategies for the owners. In this study, 80 ducks from 18 individual fields or farms were collected. The sampling farms located in the Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan counties. All the cases were diagnosed by microbiological cultivations, regular naked eye and histopathological examinations and molecular diagnostic methods. The percentage of the major pathogens and the number of farms involved (by a descending order) for goose parvovirus, duck viral hepatitis (DVH) and Riemerella anatipestifer were 28.75% (23/80) and 55.55% (10/18), 27.50% (22/80) and 38.88% (7/18), and 18.75% (15/80) and 38.88% (7/18), respectively. The microbial cultivation results indicated that the mixed infections were commonly found in these outbreaks. About 31 percent (25/80) of ducks infected with 2 pathogens and about 4 percent of ducks infected with 3 pathogens. Considering the prophylactic and managing strategies for these diseases, the goose parvovirus and DVH are mainly detected in duckling stage. Thus, before the eggs production, suitable vaccination programs for breeding flocks should be advocated, i.e. the higher levels of maternal antibodies can be induced for progenies protection. However, import ducklings from hyperimmunized breeders are the fundamental solution for both diseases. For the prevention of circovirus and RA, good hygiene and proper biosecurities are necessity. The results of this study can be serving as the background information of duck diseases control in Taiwan.
