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Review: Worldwide Epidemiology of Infectious Bronchitis Virus Variants


傳染性支氣管炎病毒由於演化速度快、散佈容易,世界上不斷出現新的變異株,本論文整理傳染性支氣管炎病毒變異株的近年發現情形以及相關的基因型研究報告,顯示除了麻州株及少數疫苗株外,各地區的變異株彼此皆不相同,各地的毒株因地理位置不同而獨立發展為各地方的變異株,歸類在不同的基因型中,而不同型病毒株之間幾乎無交叉保護。台灣的變異株自行演化成TW-I及TW-II 2個基因型。近年內許多國家中都有報告指出,偵測到與源自中國的QX病毒株屬於相同基因型的病毒株,但至今尚未在台灣出現。

Parallel abstracts

Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) has characteristics of rapid spread and evolution. In recent years, a number of variants have been detected and classified into diverse genogroups. There is nearly no cross sero-protection among these variants. This review summarizes the epidemiology situation of IBV strains and variants on a geographic basis. Particularly, in Taiwan, IBVs have evolved independently to Taiwan Group I and Taiwan Group II. QX IBV, one of the variants originated from China, has widely spread in Europe and Asia but not been discovered in Taiwan.

Parallel keywords

Infectious bronchitis virus variants
