  • 期刊


Improvement of the Completion Rate of Electronic Signature by Nurses in the Electronic Health Record Making at an Internal Medicine Ward




In order to assure the integrity, accuracy and legality of the content of an electronic health record (EHR), the nurse who makes the record has to add her electronic signature to the record using her own medical identity IC card. According to our record, as many as 96% of this unit's entire nursing staff have each failed at least once before to do the required electronic signature within 24 hours after the EHR was keyed in. In the period between January and July 2011 that we studied, the incomplete rate of EHR of this unit reached a peek of 12.6% in the month of July (or a complete rate of 87.4%) due to failing to add electronic signature within 24 hours after the recording, significantly higher than the average rate of the rest of the Nursing Department, which was only 0.01%. This study reveals the reasons for the high incomplete rate are as follows: 1. Personnel aspect: the nurses were not aware of the importance of adding the electronic signature in time; they were not accustomed to do the electronic signature of their EHR makings before getting off their duty at the end of the day; and their team leader failed to check if the electronic signature was done in time. 2. Systemic aspect: the electronic signature was not clearly demanded in the regulations. 3. Equipment aspect: insufficient access to the electronic signature facility. Measures for improvement included: to increase the nurses' awareness of the importance of electronic signature, to develop the nurses' habit of adding electronic signature to the EHR making, to revise SOP regulations to include electronic signature making and checking, and to make sufficient electronic signature devices available. After the improvement program had been implemented, the results showed that: The complete rate of electronic signature by our nurses increased from 87.4% to 100%. The project not only solved the problem of electronic signature by nurses in EHR, but also increased the involvement of the nurses in the patient protection through better safety in medical information, and enhance their rights of medication access.
