  • 期刊


A Study on the Laterality Distribution of Inpatients with Osteoarthritis of the Lower Extremity at Hospitals of Various Levels in Taiwan




Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common disease with high economic burden among hospital inpatients. Although ICD-10-CM/PCS has enabled more detailed classification in its coding, the national distribution has rarely been presented. With IRB approval, an analysis has been conducted through the 2018 inpatient health insurance database from NHIA. There were 42,370 hospitalization cases for OA, of which M17 OA over knee(s) accounted for 84.0%. The main operation for patients with bilateral OA of the knee (M17.0) consists of 2 operation codes "0SRC0J9 and 0SRD0J9" accounting for 58.6% of the operation distribution. This principle procedure is to declare the ratio of 2.1:1 for the right knee to the left. There are relatively fewer patients with M17.0 in district hospitals. The number of declarations in 0SRC0J9 between regional hospitals and district hospitals was similar, but the difference was 2.5 times in 0SRD0J9. The principle procedure 0SBC4ZZ is up to 64.4% in the district hospital level. The principle diagnosis of right knee OA (M17.11) in the principle procedure was 0SRC0J9, accounting for 73.6%. The three principle procedures "0SRC0J9 + 0SBC4ZZ + 0SRT0J9" accounted for 88.8% of the principle diagnoses. The principle diagnosis of left knee OA (M17.12) in the principle procedure was 0SRD0J9, accounting for 73.4%. The three principle procedures"0SRD0J9 + 0SBC4ZZ + 0SRU0J9" accounted for 88.8% as well. Through the one way analysis of variances, the OA patients admitted to the medical center and the regional hospitals are more severe than those to the district hospitals. The numbers of operation codes are higher in regional hospitals than in medical centers and district hospitals. The number of acute length of hospital stays in regional hospitals is higher than that in the district hospitals, and that of the medical centers is the lowest. Some ICD-10-CM/PCS codes have different appearances among medical centers, regional hospitals and district hospitals. The features generated by all of these codes can be used as a comparative reference for the coding quality in the future.
