  • 期刊


Hybridity and Creativity: Another Thinking and Interpretation for Cultural Situation and Education of Aboriginals in Taiwan


本文旨在透過「Bhabha後殖民論述」的概念探討,確立研究視角,據以觀察和分析台灣原住民知識份子在文化實踐中對殖民情境之解構與建構,進一步在目前強調多元文化/多元文化教育的時代潮流中,對原住民文化處境及教育提出省思。Bhabha解構色彩濃厚的揉雜理論,打破傳統「殖民」/「被殖民」、「主人」/之二元穩定性架構,以含混及不確定性(indeterminancy)爲被殖民者造就了可遊走的空間。 本文由Bhabha的理論觀點進一步連結台灣原住民文學作品與論述書寫,分別由社會脈絡-鉅觀面向與個人經驗-微觀面向,解讀分析台灣這個特定場域中,原住民歷史中的族群互動關係、知識圖像的建構,以及知識份子的教育經驗、主體與認同,這些涉及文化差異所引出之議題;強調原住民在文化處境與教育上,呈顯出Bhabha所強調「揉雜中產生顛覆力」的痛苦與希望。希望爲原住民議題的研究開展新的解讀方式,也爲原住民面對族群文化處境的思考,帶來激勵的角度。 此外並透過Bhabha與台灣原住民知識份子間論述作品的檢視與分析,回應雙方論述與主體實踐的差異;並就分析過程所思,提出未來可以進一步思考的空間。


The purpose of this article was to adopt the postcolonial theory of Bhabha to analyze the literature and discourse of Taiwanese aborigines, discuss the relevant issues regarding cultural change and difference, and rethink the cultural situation and education of aborigines in Taiwan. Issues such as the relationships between the Taiwanese and the aboriginal societies, the aborigines own perception of identity, and their view of the educational system in Taiwan、were explored, and ”ambivalence” and ”hybridity” that emerge from their experiences and points of view. The conclusions were 1. the interpretation from the post-colonial theory of Bhabha, it broke the traditional binary structure between the colonial/colonised, the upper/lower, proved ambivalent indeterminacy, and created the in-between space for all aborigines in Taiwan. 2. the works of aborigines in Taiwan compensated the lack of the theory of Bhabha, and responded to both difference on four levels: representations of intellectual, discourse and social context, consciousness of mimicry, and gender issue. Moreover, these explorations were revealed issues such as identity/subjectivity and education of aboriginals in Taiwan and their works must be explored on more theories and practice for future research.
