  • 期刊


The Investigation and Study on Ecological Tourism Resources in Water Environmental and Community of River Estuary at Anshuo-Hsuhai, Taiwan


台灣環島沿海公路唯一的缺口-屏東縣台26線公路為環繞恆春半島海岸的重要公路,處於未完全通車狀態,因此當地溪流保存了獨特的河口生態。河口為兩側迴游生物進出淡海水域的關鍵棲地,所以於對於當地的水域生態進行調查對日後棲地保育有所幫助。本研究選擇在該區各溪河入海口前100公尺內河段,進行水域生物多樣性調查,共7個樣點。在9月共發現有4種附著藻類、26種浮游藻類、8類浮游動物、24種底棲無脊椎動物和17種魚類。此外,也發現屬於海河棲息及兩側迴游的物種,包括清淨水域的代表物種擬多齒米蝦(Caridina pseudodenticulata)、真米蝦(Caridina typus)及大和米蝦(Caridina japonica),及屬於保育類的的鱸鰻(Anguilla marmorata)。本區保留台灣其他地區的下游河口所沒有的乾淨水質,且上游到河口保存完整的生態環境,提供了穩定的食物來源,更提供迴游性物種幼苗生長及各階段成長的棲息環境。河口區域是海河兩側迴游的生物存活的必經關卡,當環境改變,勢必將對溪流生物分布及存活產生影響。本研究期望將提供臺灣生物多樣性之基本資料,進一步提供未來重要物種或生態性保育策略之研究依據。


Ecotourism is generally promoted in recent years. The idea of ecotourism is proceeding. By the propaganda and the environmental education, people accept the idea and put into practice on environmental protection which of the resources in sustainable used. Provincial Highway 26, Pingtung County, the last remains unexploitation coastal road, still not opens to traffic fully. This why there have protected the unique estuarine ecosystem. River estuary habitat is one of the key habitats for migration animal, between ocean and river, the investigation and study in water environmental and community of river estuary provide the information for nature habitat conservation and ecological tourism resources. In the downstream and river estuary of this area, the quality of water was still remains unpolluted, where there is no second in other places of Taiwan. And the complete habitats from upstream to river estuary provide food resource stably; become a favor place for maturity of migration species. This study can provide basic information of biodiversity in Taiwan, and try to become the basis of ecological conservation strategy.
