  • 期刊


An Investigation of Physiological Responses on Field Games and Court Games


本文的主要目的是探討,在足球場、籃球場上等重覆來回不斷快速跑步的複雜動作,以生理學的觀點,分析運動員的生理反應。雖然,這是根據經驗,對上述類型運動項目的一般描述,然而,這也正對這一類型的運動的生理反應,提供最佳及最直接的評估方法。在一項為期約5~6秒鐘的短跑中,腺嘌呤核苷三磷酸(ATP)是被合成的主要無氧能量來源(磷肌酸的解離及分解),只有少部份的能量來自有氧代謝之供應(少於10%)。而在恢復期,則透過組織氧的再補充、磷肌酸的再合成、乳酸的代謝、及堆積在細胞間的磷的排除等過程,使氧攝取量保持提升,以恢復體內的恆定。假如恢復期較短,下一次快跑之前的氧攝取量仍保持相當高,而由有氧系統供應ATP再合成的能量則增加。然而,如果恢復期的時間,不足以使代謝過程回復至安靜時的狀況,則連續短時間的運動表現,可能就會受到連累。雖然,很難對球類運動中重覆短跑的明確機轉清楚地說明,然而,許多証據均指向,缺乏可利用的磷肌酸,及堆積於細胞間的磷酸,是最可能的原因。此外,磷肌酸的再合成及堆積在細胞間磷酸的排除,是倚賴氧的代謝過程。這兩件事實,使多位學者提出,球類運動中的重覆短跑運動,有氧體適能與疲勞間的關聯性。雖然,有一些研究提出證據,支持耐力型運動員,較具有維持重覆短跑表現的能力,然而,仍需要有進一步研究 以確認人們從事重覆短跑,所反映出的生理機轉。儘管,經過多年的探討,各個研究間,存在於分析技術及方法學差異上的限制,留下許多有關於重覆跑步運動,在生理上的反應方面懸而未決的議題,對這個議題,如果能有較深入的理解,將可能幫助運動員及教練們,提升運動表現。


The purpose of this article is to investigate the physiological responses of the complex activity patterns experienced in many field and court sports. Although this is a general description of the complex activity patterns experienced in such events, it currently provides the best means of directly assessing the physiological response to this type of exercise. During a single short (5- to 6-second) sprint, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is resynthesised predominantly from anaerobic sources (phosphocreatine [PCr] degradation and glycolysis), with a small (<10%) contribution from aerobic metabolism. During recovery, oxygen uptake (VO2) remains elevated to restore homeostasis via processes such as the replenishment of tissue oxygen stores, the resynthesis of PCr, the metabolism of lactate, and the removal of accumulated intracellular inorganic phosphate (Pi).If recovery periods are relatively short, VO2 remains elevated prior to subsequent sprints and the aerobic contribution to ATP resynthesis increases. However, if the duration of the recovery periods is insufficient to restore the metabolic environment to resting conditions, performance during successive work bouts may be compromised.Although the precise mechanisms of fatigue during multiple sprint work are difficult to elucidate, evidence points to a lack of available PCr and an accumulation of intracellular Pi as the most likely causes. Moreover, the fact that both PCr resynthesis and the removal of accumulated intracellular Pi are oxygen-dependent processes has led several authors to propose a link between aerobic fitness and fatigue during multiple sprint work.Whist there is some evidence to suggest that endurance-trained athletes display an enhanced ability to maintain multiple sprint performance, further research is required to confirm the mechanisms of this response. Despite years of investigation, limitations in analytical techniques combined with methodological differences between studies have left many issues regarding the physiological response to multiple sprint work unresolved. A greater understanding of the physiological response to multiple sprint work is likely to help athletes and coaches improve performance in many sports.

