  • 期刊


Beta Regression Models for Second Stage DEA Efficiency Analyses: Evidence from Taiwan Telecommunication Companies




Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is commonly used to evaluate the relative efficiency of a number of similar organizational units. Often, in the second stage, a regression methodology is used to analyze a set of contextual independent variables which may impact the performance. Typically, the DEA efficiency scores are measured in the half-closed interval (0,1], and the normalization of its distribution is likely to be asymmetrical with the probability mass at 1. However, these features are ignored in regression methods commonly used (such as linear or Tobit censored models), thereby resulting in a biased or inconsistent estimator. One of the most suitable candidates for modeling dependent variables valued from 0 to 1 is the class of beta distributions, which naturally incorporates features such as skewness and heteroskedasticity. Nevertheless, the Beta models seem to be rarely used in the second stage DEA. This study aims to demonstrate the applicability of the Beta regressions to examine exogenous factors affecting efficiency. Taiwan telecommunication companies are employed as a numerical example, where a variety of regression techniques, including linear, censored, truncated, Beta and inflated Beta, developed in gamlss package of R software are used for comparison. Empirical results indicate that inflated Beta is the most suitable regression model. It is shown by inflated Beta that the factors of external environment, market structure and market conduct have a significant impact on operating efficiency. It is also found in linear, censored or truncated model that some fitted values are out of bound.
