  • 期刊


Care of Patient after a Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Nursing Experience




Coronary artery bypass surgery is one of the important treatments of coronary artery diseases. Patients might have problems with physical, psychological, and activity tolerance after cardiac surgery. This article mainly discusses the nursing experience for taking care of a patient after the coronary artery bypass surgery. During the nursing period from 26th October, 2010 to 5th December, 2010, the author determined the primary nursing problems during the nursing process including pain, activity intolerance and anxiety, by using the Gordon Eleven Functional Health Patterns Assessment, which is based on observing, talking, and listening for data collection and analysis. According to problems mentioned previously, the author provided non-pharmaceutical treatment modalities for the pain, which are listening to the feelings of the patient, teaching skills for relaxation, maintaining a comfortable lying position, performing cognitive stress-decreasing skills, and providing a quiet and comfortable environment. For activity intolerance, the author provided the patient with a systematic rehabilitation program, including regular exercise training, implementing hygiene education and consulting procedure with the patient, and then smoothly entering into a recovery phase. Finally, multi-level nursing care measures for the last part were used, by giving positive encouragement and support from family members to reduce the patient's anxiety. This enabled the patient to have confidence during the post-op (post-operation) recovery. The patient had positive stress adjustment thereby decreasing the anxiety level and returning to good life. With the sharing of this caring experience, the author hopes to provide a reference for nursing patients after coronary artery bypass surgery for clinical staff.


