  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience by Using the Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine on a Stroke Patient




中風 中西醫結合 穴位按壓


The case study in the report describes a 32-year-old music teacher who had had a history of lupus erythematosus for ten years, then suffered a stroke episode while participating in a competitive music contest with her students in 2nd July, 2011. The diagnosis was occluded stroke with hemiplegia of right side extremities and obliqueness of right mouth. From 18th Aug. to 30th Dec. in 2011, the patient was not only being treated by Western Medicine, but also seeking treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). During the treatment period, the author collected the data by using the four Chinese Medicine diagnostic methods: observing, smelling/listening, asking, and palpating. The author identified the nursing problems of the patient by using the differentiation of eight principles and other differentiation of syndromes in TCM. These eight principles include Ying and Yang, exterior and interior, cold and hot, virtual and real. The case study found the patient had the following health problems: (1) Neuromuscular malfunctions due to meridian stroke; (2) Insomnia due to weakness of spleen and heart meridians and anxiety; and (3) Constipation due to weak physique. Based on the diagnostic results, the author suggested the family (1) perform massage on the patient's specific acupressure points at home to improve blood and Qi circulation; (2) become educated about the foods required for the patient's specific body constitution. Through the case report, we hope the integration of Western Medicine and TCM may be suggested to patients to elevate their quality of life in the future.
